The Sign of the month

Virgo - The Year Ahead
It is an interesting year that awaits you, with a complex sky that is not easy to decipher, due to some important planetary movements. In fact, all the slow planets will change sign (some only for short periods), thus stimulating your natal Sun in different ways and times. Jupiter , for example, is currently transiting in square in the tenth field in Gemini : it wi...
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Previous Signs

The challenges

The opportunities

The retrograde phase of your Mercury , in dissonance in the fourth field in Sagittarius , will involve you from November 2nd to January 8th. Then, from January 3rd to February 4th, Venus will transit in opposition in the seventh field in Pisces , touching Saturn and Neptune . It seems that the period between the end and the beginning of the year presents moments of uncertainty, some problems in the family or at work, with repercussions also in the relationship of the couple. It is true that in this phase of the year a bit of stress is to be taken into account, between urgencies and various commitments, but it is important to at least defend the relaxation of the holidays, reinforcing the dialogue with loved ones and the sharing of activities, interests, projects. Mercury and also Venus will form their rings of rest in spring and, on that occasion, they will return to Pisces respectively from March 30th to April 16th and from March 27th to April 30th, re-proposing their oppositions to the third decade more or less simultaneously. It may be that some problems that you thought you had overcome will resurface, that doubts or slightly confused sensations will bother you again, but for this it will be important to welcome what you feel without filters or hesitations, without judgmental forcing, so as to understand its meaning a...
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Mars will transit in sextile in the eleventh field in Cancer from September 4 to November 4, while the fast planets will add their sextiles in the third field in Scorpio : Venus from September 23 to October 17, Mercury from October 13 to November 2. It will be a particularly profitable period for communication, collaboration at work and sharing with loved ones. In fact, you will be able to be proactive, more available to mediation but also capable of stimulating others with ideas, initiatives, projects. If there are issues to resolve or clarify, do not put it off too long: especially until mid-October, every discussion will be easier, even on somewhat delicate topics. When faced with significant economic choices, the advice of experts could be precious, to avoid mistakes. Mars will always transit in your sign from June 17 to August 6. This is a transit generous in energy but sometimes a little tiring. However, in this case you can count on the support of the fast planets: Venus will be in trine in the ninth field in Taurus from June 6 to July 4, Mercury will be in sextile in the eleventh field in Cancer from June 9 to June 26. Jupiter will also end its dissonance on June 9 and will move into a friendly position in Cancer , while in that period Saturn and Neptune will have suspended their oppositions. In short, ...
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