Lunar Return

The lunar return chart is the map of the sky at the exact moment the moon returns to occupy the same position it occupied at the time of your birth, the Moon takes about a month to make a cycle around the Zodiac, therefore during a year you could also have thirteen or fourteen lunar returns instead of twelve.

The lunar return should always be interpreted and used in synergy with transits and solar return that governs it and contains it. Keep in mind that even the worst lunar return will be hardly relevant for the current year, if you have got a good solar return, and will never overturn the meanings reported by the solar return. If anything, in some cases it's useful, in combination with significant transits, to relocate a lunar return to enhance and strengthen the already existing values ​​in the solar return. But the main purpose of the lunar return is to help you identify those months during the calendar year in which the events reported by the solar revolution will likely to occur.

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Date of birth     

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Place of birth                            

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Place of Lunar Return             


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