
Monthly Horoscope
 from April 19th to May 20th

1st decan   January 21 - 30
2nd decan   January 31 - February 9
3rd decan   February 10 - 19

by Sandra Zagatti

Automated translation from Astrologiainlinea

Ups and downs
The Sun transits in dissonance into the fourth field in Taurus , where it joins the New Moon on May 8. The fast planets are transiting in a good sextile in the third field in Aries but will then also enter Taurus : Venus already on April 29th, while Mercury will resume direct motion on April 25th and will remain in support until May 15th. Mars instead enters Aries and begins its sextile on April 30th. As for the slower planets, Pluto in your sign is conjunct the first degrees and begins retrograde motion on May 2nd. Jupiter and Uranus , conjunct in Taurus , are instead in square in the third decade. Overall it is a variable sky, between highs and lows, which suggests attention especially on days like 24 and 25 April, 2, 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15 May. The most effective days will be 21, 26 and 27 April, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 18 May.

Spontaneity is better

The passages in the third field have a decidedly spring-like energy: lively, stimulating, pleasantly unpredictable... It is true that this unpredictability includes pleasant surprises as well as setbacks, but you are not the type who are easily frightened by novelties, which in fact you prefer to boredom, to stasis. And it is equally true that, with Venus and then Mercury dissonant, some discomfort is possible. From this point of view, the sextile of Mars deserves particular attention. As a harmonious transit, it seems to ward off excesses of nervousness and impulsiveness, even in moments of uncertainty. However, a strong Mars remains, at home in Aries , decisive and direct in its manifestations. It is therefore not on patience that you can count, nor on the ability (or willingness) to overlook what disturbs you; on the contrary, the dissonances in Taurus hint at the risk of too closed or rigid behavior. In short, how best to express this Mars ? I would say with spontaneity, with sincerity, with the simplicity of frank words and transparent approaches. Which means communicating with clarity and immediacy, without postponing or accumulating bad mood, but also without entering into arguments with your interlocutors: whether it is your partner, friends or colleagues, family members, involving them in your feelings is a form of respect in towards them as well as towards you, even if the topics touched upon are delicate, a little uncomfortable. Sometimes, speaking openly and honestly can be a relief for everyone and very unexpected!

A nice movement
The next astrological month seems particularly dynamic at work, with various initiatives underway, various stimuli, perhaps some new things to evaluate. Perhaps an old project, appropriately modified and updated to current needs, can be relaunched effectively. But it is possible that proposals and opportunities will also arrive: in general it is a good time to make collaborative contacts, perhaps even relating to bureaucratic or financial support. Young people who study are motivated, more confident, even those who are looking for work could finally receive some answers. In short, there is a great movement of ideas, meetings and opportunities! In commercial negotiations or legal disputes, resolutions or at least encouraging prospects cannot be ruled out. The important thing is to avoid easy enthusiasm while remaining confident: in the second half of May, complications, disagreements and slowdowns could in fact arise again, but these will probably be temporary hitches. Family or couple relationships are still a little tired, perhaps due to economic problems or a daily life that is not always satisfying: too many duties and few pleasures... The limited amount of free time will however be compensated by the quality of a more open and proactive, as well as sharing experiences, projects and interests. Social life also improves, old friendships are renewed and new acquaintances are friendly, engaging, stimulating.

First decade
Mars is in lively sextile from April 30th to May 13th, while from May 15th to 22nd Mercury will be in square . It is therefore better to anticipate discussions, negotiations, meetings or activities that require clarity and decision-making, because some doubts or disagreements could arise later. Don't neglect dialogue in the couple's relationship, above all don't drag on bad moods.

Second decade
The square of Venus involves you for only one week, from 7 to 15 May, while already from 13 to 26 May you can count on the sextile of Mars . If there are misunderstandings or frictions in your family or with your partner, give an example of good will to face and resolve them, first of all to listen to other people's points of view without becoming too stubborn about your own.

Third decade
The sextile of Mercury from May 5th to 15th brings clarity in ideas and persuasiveness in words: you are brilliant, direct, encouraging. Take advantage of this to define some economic or work initiatives with greater clarity. And pay attention to certain tensions with your partner or family: clarifications proposed in the right way could be decisive, even liberating.

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