
Weekly Horoscope of 15/04/2024 - 21/04/2024

Automated translation from Astrologiainlinea

The opposite Moon , between Tuesday and Thursday, adds to the dissonances of Jupiter and Uranus , signaling a bit of restlessness and anxiety. Allow yourself to take it easy, above all avoiding delicate discussions that risk controversy. Being with yourself for a while will do you good: sometimes a few well-lived moments, a meditation, a good read are enough, but what matters is turning off the noise of the mind, of duties, of other people's requests, to find your center again. In the following days you will perhaps be able to make a decision, to inaugurate a healthy turning point. Everything (or almost everything) will then find the right direction again and you will feel the reawakening of the psychophysical energy you need to be proactive again at work and above all in the private sphere. In this sense you will be more motivated, inspired, even lighter on an emotional level. With the complicity of Mercury and Venus in a good sextile , Sunday seems perfect for restoring quality time and space to your relationship as a couple, perhaps talking about a common project or sharing a nice initiative, and thus reinforcing complicity.

by Sandra Zagatti

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