
Weekly Horoscope of 29/04/2024 - 05/05/2024

Automated translation from Astrologiainlinea

The days of Monday and Tuesday promise to be peaceful and satisfying. Subsequently, however, it seems that efficiency and lucidity are put to the test. There are many things to do, responsibilities to bear, worries to stem... but it doesn't mean that everything is really on your shoulders. Therefore try not to exceed, as if to prove something to someone, both at work and on a private level: concentrate only on what really concerns you, competes with you or interests you, and leave aside competitions, doubts or, with your partner, certain feelings of jealousy that resurface every now and then. Especially between Friday and Saturday you will be less objective and more emotional, irritable. But perhaps you will realize more easily that you cannot keep everything under control and it is better to take a breath, relax, enjoy the good things that life offers you! In this sense, Sunday will be welcome. If possible, finally treat yourself to some entertainment outside the home. Even a simple walk in spring nature will regenerate you, and even better if you do it in company.

by Sandra Zagatti


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