
Horoscope 2024

1st decan   March 21 - 31
2nd decan  Aprile 01 - 10
3rd decan   April 11 - 20

by Paolo Crimaldi

The year begins with a very well-prepared sky towards you, already in the very first days favoring you in all those initiatives that imply professional growth, an expansion of the circle of friends and more generally a broadening of your horizons, also leading you to on roads that were initially little known and had a slightly exotic flavour.

Starting with the push of the trine of Mercury , Venus and Mars in trine from Sagittarius is precisely to open yourself up to the dimension of travel, of experimentation, of overcoming those limits, preconceptions and anything else that has so far prevented you from experimenting in new situations , perhaps less safe in many ways, but blocking your growth and the natural sense of independence and freedom that usually characterizes you.

In this 2024 you should learn to get out of your comfort zone and start experimenting again with that exploratory, courageous, sometimes reckless part of you, which allows you to achieve even notable results when it is managed wisely and consciously.
In this work you will be helped by the synergistic action of the North King Moon Node and Chiron , both in your sign for the entire year, as they will allow you to contact the deepest parts of yourself, to discover paths that are starting to be there for you familiar and necessary at the same time, and to proceed towards the discovery of parts of yourself that until now you did not think you possessed and even more so bring to light in a natural, authentic and above all useful way for your existence.

In mid-February, precisely on the 16th, precisely the conjunct at the degree of the Node with Chiron in your sign could bring a beautiful intuition, a sort of Eureka effect to a problem, or an existential knot, which for some time had tended to obstruct the your life, preventing you from making that leap necessary to enter the new existential dimension that will open up to you in this new year.
It is very likely that close to this date you will have to make a very important choice, decide which side to be on, perhaps even taking sides in a clear and decisive way, which could initially make you feel isolated, or in any case alone in the face of a series of things that you will experience in a way, as has already been said, very differently than usual.
February will be a month in which you will feel a real inner change which, on the one hand, will free you from burdens and responsibilities that are no longer part of your daily life, on the other it could make you experience for some time a feeling of isolation, of estrangement which however will be your true possibility of rebirth and change of life, things that you have cherished for a long time but struggled to identify and above all to find the necessary resources to be able to leave.

From a strictly professional point of view, this year Mercury will be on your side on several occasions, favoring you both in the realization of new projects, but also in the achievement of objectives that you have been working on for a long time without seeing the results.

The first two weeks of January Mercury in trine from Sagittarius , supported by Venus and Mars , will give you the opportunity to plan in a broad way and not only linked to contingent reality, to the usual routine, and everything that you are going to propose, to implemented now, will see its first fruits, even rather copious ones, at least in terms of personal fulfillment, as early as the month of March, while you will have to wait until the end of May for the purely economic ones, or when Jupiter entering Gemini will begin to favor your wallet too.

From March 10th to May 15th, Mercury will once again be your supporter, this time because it will transit through your sign, giving you the right energy to cash in, to get what you deserve in a clear and unambiguous way.

Between March 18th and 20th and April 21st and 30th, the conjunct that it will form with the North Lunar Node will lead to having to make a field and also having to give up someone who is more of a burden than a resource. Just find the right way to end any collaboration, avoiding being abrupt. In this same period it is likely that a friendship may come to an end and despite the initial turmoil you will instead realize that possibilities for healthier and more dynamic acquaintances that have objectively been missing in your life for some time will finally open up.

Another time of the year to get noticed in the work field is from the beginning of July to the first week of September, except for a short break between the end of July and mid-August, when Mercury will make a trine to Leo . If you are asked to commit to something beautiful for you, that you care about, don't hold back just because it's summer and holiday time, because this sacrifice could allow you to shine for a long time in a new professional position, or in earning money.

From November 2nd until the end of the year Mercury will once again be in Sagittarius , which can once again open you up to projects that look far ahead and which can also lead you to travel both physically and intellectually. Particularly favorable time, especially December, to make, or plan, trips of a certain importance.

Your emotional life in this new year will not be any less, even if it will not have the absolute priority that you will give to your work life.

Until January 23rd, the trine of Venus from Sagittarius will give you the opportunity to make new acquaintances, even a little out of the ordinary, perhaps while traveling or visiting relatives or friends a little distant from your usual place of residence. There will be the opportunity to get back into the game in ways different from the usual ones and you will not regret the challenges you will accept.
While if you are already a couple, a trip, or in any case trying to give a different dimension to your daily life, will bring considerable benefits and above all will give you the opportunity to recover emotions and a communicative complicity that will galvanize the relationship.

Your season of love runs from April 5 to April 29 and will be very hot indeed. Love at first sight, hot adventures even for just one night or a few hours will positively activate your mood and push you to have greater courage in daring emotionally and it is not certain that you will not find yourself experiencing a real love that had simply started like an occasional acquaintance that seemed to be an end in itself. For those of you who are in a couple, it is the moment of great passionate rebirth and you will probably find the opportunity, the way to experiment with your partner something very transgressive, or in any case unusual, capable of making you appreciate being as a couple as never before. It had been happening for a while.

From 11 July to 5 August the trine of Venus from Leo , well supported by Mars , will give you other new emotions and adventures, greatly stimulating your eros and also pushing you to take too many risks especially if you are already in a couple. Don't be impulsive and don't promise more than you know you can keep and want and there won't be any problems. Possibility of having very important meetings if you want a stable relationship, just as you can experience a profound harmony between romance and sexuality within the already present relationship.

Finally, from 17 October to 11 November Venus will once again form a trine from Sagittarius , giving you that spirit of adventure and conquest which can prove decisive for your relationship life if you find yourself alone or in a ménage in which you can no longer find no reason to continue.

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