
Weekly Horoscope of 22/04/2024 - 28/04/2024

Automated translation from Astrologiainlinea

The days of Wednesday and Thursday, with the Full Moon in the fourth field , seem subdued and perhaps a little chaotic, especially at home. Maybe there are setbacks in your plans and this irritates you. In the following days you can count on a nice boost of energy to become determined, confident and active again. You will have the opportunity to take your mind off things, make decisions at work, set up new projects. And you will also be able to dedicate yourself to your relationship as a couple: Wednesday and Venus are still in support but some misunderstanding is possible, however passion is not lacking so it is possible to regain harmony. Sunday promises to be a bit busy, perhaps for domestic or family reasons which will call for your attention and take time away from well-deserved relaxation or more fulfilling initiatives. Some bad mood will be possible, but it should not be serious issues. Remember, if anything, that sometimes you can appear impatient, abrupt, even without really meaning it. Therefore, force yourself to be tolerant, and seek the complicity of loved ones in some pleasant activity to share.

by Sandra Zagatti


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