
Monthly Horoscope
 from April 19th to May 20th

1st decan   September 23 - October 3
2nd decan   October 04 - 13
3rd decan   October 14 - 22

by Sandra Zagatti

Automated translation from Astrologiainlinea

Celestial tensions
The next astrological month presents some celestial tension, due to the fast passages in opposition in the seventh field in Aries . In fact, Mercury has already been opposite since March 10th, and in Aries it is forming the retrograde phase : it resumes direct motion on April 25th and continues its transit until May 15th. Venus ends its opposition already on April 29th, while Mars begins it on the 30th. Meanwhile, there are no slow transits to disturb you: I remember, however, that on May 26th Jupiter will move into trine in the ninth field in Gemini . Pluto on the other hand, is already supporting the first decade (especially the first degrees) with its trine in the fifth field in Aquarius . In short, a nervous, somewhat tiring phase must be taken into account, especially on days like 29 and 30 April, 5, 6, 11, 12 and 19 May. The best days will be April 21st and 26th, May 1st, 9th, 10th, 14th and 18th.

The art of mediation

The opposition of Mercury in retrograde phase has been disturbing you since March 10th and especially with the retrogradation (from April 1st to 25th) and the further addition of Venus (from the 5th to the 29th). Now the fast planets give way to Mars , which gives its all in Aries and therefore, in opposition , can be quite tiring. We will see in the next paragraph in which contexts or in what ways it can manifest itself, in the meantime I would like to warn you against the risk of passively suffering its energy: determination, passion and will that transform into anxiety, impulsiveness, indecision... Of course, for you children of Venus it is never easy to express Mars spontaneously, but awareness in this sense can help you do something better, precisely to avoid the most stressful consequences. For example, when faced with disagreements or delicate discussions, the extreme alternatives of direct competition or forced acceptance are both unnatural for you, because on the one hand you have to defend your opinions by fighting those of others and on the other you have to sacrifice them to save (perhaps ) the quiet life. But there is a third option that is not only more in tune with your personality but also, consequently, more effective. I am referring to mediation. The ability to understand or at least respect different points of view without detracting from your own: speaking clearly, even firmly, and listening willingly; not retreating from personal needs but rather meeting those of your interlocutor, which are equally legitimate. After all, finding a relational balance, identifying a common center of gravity, is an art that few possess as much as you...

Reduce interference
The aforementioned oppositions signal a somewhat nervous atmosphere at work. Perhaps there are disagreements between partners or rivalries between colleagues, or you are simply stressed by emergencies or setbacks. On the other hand, you are also confused and struggle to organize yourself, so it is possible that you waste your energy without accomplishing much, consequently increasing both tiredness and bad mood. Some errors cannot be ruled out, relating to choices, judgements, behaviors; in this sense, at least until mid-May, it would be advisable to postpone the most important issues (including on an economic level) or to accept the advice of more objective people. On a strictly collaborative level, it would instead be preferable to define the common goals but defining the limits of the respective competences, so as to avoid role and task interference and the consequent risk of comparisons, criticisms or unpleasant controversies. Private relationships also suffer from these transits, despite Venus ending its opposition as early as April 29th. However, it is possible that external tensions (family or work) have repercussions on the couple's harmony, therefore you are a little irritable or not very attentive, not very patient, and that misunderstandings or bickering, mutual recriminations arise. If dialogue is scarce, it is worth making an extra effort to recover it, because only an honest discussion can help you prevent or at least resolve these problems quickly. And it is important to defend spaces of intimacy, moments to share only with your partner, leaving worries out.

First decade
The trine to Pluto , for now, only involves those born with the Sun in the first degrees, however it seems to offer a guarantee of stability at least in perspective. However, the opposition of Mars from April 30th to May 13th signals a nervous phase, during which you will feel less sure of yourself but also annoyed by disagreements and unexpected events. Stay focused on priorities.

Second decade
Mercury 's opposition involves you until May 5th, while Mars ' opposition begins on the 13th and will last until the 26th. You are confused, restless, perhaps some work initiatives are not going as you would like and this causes you anxiety. Even in negotiations, it is possible for disagreements, setbacks and various setbacks to arise, but there is no need to force the timing: being patient is the only way to find solutions.

Third decade
Venus ends its opposition on April 29 but gives way to Mercury , opposed from May 5 to 15. They are relatively short transits and therefore of little severity, which however can accompany some bad mood at work or in private relationships. Commit to encouraging (or accepting) a sincere dialogue, to clarify different needs or expectations, recovering common motivations.

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