Exorcising Saturn

A little introduction: in astrological iconography what many people – but not all - know, is that Saturn has the image of a poorly old man with grey hair who uses a crutch, carrying a sickle in his left hand: in other words Saturn deprives, takes away, subtracts. But what does it take away exactly? Generally enthusiasm, “joys de vivre”, dynamism and passion. Thus, when it passes your first house it is not very difficult to exorcize; to unload its symbol: it will be enough to deprive yourself spontaneously of some of the things that give you pleasure, to go on a rather strict diet, deciding, for example, to do without ice cream for a long time or desserts after dinner on Sundays; and generally you will have to pay attention to essentials, making an effort to do without superfluous, ephemeral things, (fewer "chats" on the phone, fewer on-line "discussions", less idleness in general). Saturn makes you grow mentally providing absolute rigour, and this is where you have to focus your attention. Just to be clear, a "tired" and "drawn" face is something Saturn likes a lot. In this respect also do without a few hours’ sleep, like an afternoon nap for those of you who do this. Lastly, try to isolate yourself from the rest of the world (with this transit this should be quite easy to do), go spontaneously to the dentist or to a physiotherapist (teeth and bones fall again under the strict jurisdiction of Saturn) and lastly, if you have already reached a certain age, don’t dye your hair (come on, it’s not that bad!).

In the house of money it is very easy to understand how you have to unload the Saturn symbol: quickly tightening your belt, because the planet of deprivation transiting the house of money (the second one) wants exactly this. Moderation, wisdom, savings (!) greater control and serious caution driven almost to the limits of greed will have to be your diktat during this passage; Saturn does not necessarily take your money away. On the contrary with this transit you might even have an interesting amount of money coming in, but it must not be spent immediately. On the contrary, it needs to be managed with the same attitude of someone who has to make it last and needs every last penny. Only in this way will you unload the symbol of the planet of deprivation: by not spending, or at least, doing it as thriftily as possible, in practical terms without enjoying the money in any way. Is that clear enough? Another way to "satisfy" this Saturn position in the house of money is also by making more effort at work than usual and in the end still not earning very much: a lot of effort for little gain.

Saturn transiting the house of frequent moves and "motors" (meaning cars, motorbikes, coaches, buses, lorries, scooters and so on) asks you to walk a lot, depriving yourself as much as possible of motorised vehicles (always remember that since Saturn wants to take something away, it acts particularly "against" all kinds of convenience and/or comfort), so if you can, walk, and walk a lot. Walk to work, walk your children to school, or walk to the gym; generally try to carry out your normal activities as much as possible without motorised transport, even if it rains or it is windy (this is the best thing of all for Saturn!). It’s even better if, for work needs, you try to obtain a kind of systematic daily wavering, which costs you a lot of sacrifice. Otherwise, you could sacrifice something in favour of a brother and/or sister by helping them for a long time with a daily difficult task that is not easy to do. Alternatively, you might decide to make a very costly purchase, by instalments, like a new car, although this way of unloading the symbol should only be carried out as a last resort, and in any case, it should involve really “big” instalments to "repay" Saturn for the fact that you will use that car. Lastly, avoid using the telephone as much as possible (landline and/or mobile), start studying a difficult subject a lot like a new foreign language, and if you smoke … try to stop! This would be an excellent sacrifice for Saturn-smoke third house.

Saturn passes in your fourth house, in other words your home, your domestic walls; what do you have to do? Directly dedicate yourself with significant physical effort to restructuring it. At the very least get hold of the right materials and personally start decorating your premises; it would, however, be ideal turn your house “upside down”, deciding, for example, to re-wire it since perhaps it isn’t up to legal regulations, or to re-design the bathroom starting from the plumbing. In any case, the right way to unload the Saturn symbol in the fourth house has to do with “difficulties” within your domestic walls, of a life "sacrificed" within them. However, the fourth house is also our parents so dedicate much more time than usual to them with a real sense of abnegation, going to see them often at their home, and if they need it, do their shopping every day (even better if it takes effort from a physical point of view) and accompany them every time they have to go somewhere for treatment. Lastly, it would be a good thing to "have a hard time financially" with a very big mortgage for the purchase of a property.

The planet of deprivation in the house of children, of love and pleasures. What can you do? Also in this case the idea is always the same: go towards the planet’s wishes spontaneously and almost embrace it … but how? By sacrificing yourself in the fields related to the fifth house: what … my children?!?! Hold on a second … for example; why not send one of them abroad for a study holiday that is also rather expensive? It might be a solution that is quite painless and you would have deprived yourself spontaneously of one of your children without "provoking" Saturn to deprive you of something else! Do you have a sentimental relationship at the moment? Alas … try to see your loved one as little as possible. “Deprive” yourself spontaneously of his/her presence, radically reduce the time you spend with him/her and you will see that once the transit has ended everything will go back to normal (however, at least reply to their phone calls otherwise you might exaggerate and cause more damage). Alternatively, try to enjoy yourself less in general: this means less enjoyment, fewer relaxing evenings with friends, fewer dinners, less play, less everything … yes we know this transit is a “pain in the ass” but with Saturn in the fifth, if you really want to “unload” its symbol, you need to do this!

Saturn in transit in your sixth house (health – work) first of all makes you deal with your teeth and your bones. In what way? By you going to the dentist before “it takes its brutal course”, getting a tooth devitalised or a capping – rather than of simple filling - or even bent over backwards! To sacrifice yourselves physically for “it“ (Saturn), is something it will like a lot and you will almost certainly avoid its lashes; also anything concerning rehabilitation therapy such as the postural gymnastics, mud treatment, and therapies based on aerosols are things very much recommended for Saturn’s transit in your sixth house. The same applies to a strict diet to get in shape or clean out your organism, which requires a certain amount of dedication and sacrifice from you. Another way to intelligently "exorcize" the Saturn symbol in the sixth house can be by significantly increasing your rhythm and/or workload, especially if it is physically tiresome work and / or work which requires a lot of effort, even if you have good work colleagues, deprive yourself temporarily or take on most of their workload to do it personally.

The Saturn symbol is quite clear when transiting the seventh House: it may easily be the case that in this period (about two and a half years) little or medium difficulties will occur with your mate or business partner, so in order to "unload" this symbol, to exorcize as well as possible, it would be a good thing for you to activate yourselves in time and spontaneously act on your own before Saturn, through others, attacks you (this is in short the concept). But what should you do? Become a little more intransigent, a little more "hostile" towards those near you, protesting each time the things are not going well, on the contrary better still "anticipating" your protests before an event, calling the managing agents of your apartment block to complain about noisy neighbour, or protesting vocally during street protests; Saturn in this position likes very much stamp duty to make your protest "official", which however can also mean venting your anger in a daily paper or publishing something in a blog where you can discuss this in a lively manner with other bloggers before, obviously, ending up with actual legal proceedings. Also, give yourself little "punishments" about your partner (like doing the shopping for them, accompanying them to the work etc) even ending up, in rare cases, with a temporary separation (agreed with the partner) to better ingratiate Saturn.

To avoid a bad loss of money (this is the most likely meaning of the transit of Saturn in the eighth house) try to limit your spending as much as possible but above all plan a few, but painful, costs such as a very high mortgage that will cost you a great deal of effort to pay off, paying really high monthly instalments. You ought to know that outgoings of money will be inevitable and therefore be as frugal as possible, reducing your expenses, tightening your belt as much as possible; especially if you are by nature a big spender (in this case this measure will be essential!). Another way to exorcize this Saturn symbol is by asking for financing or a loan from the bank to be paid back over a length of time (slowness combined with time is something Saturn likes a lot). However, this Saturn transit in the eighth house nevertheless can also mean a decrease in sexual activity, so we’re sorry for you but … try to limit your exuberance and enthusiasm for sex as much as possible. Turn over and say … goodnight! Your partner will certainly not be very happy but you in this way will have certainly pleased Saturn!

Saturn transiting the ninth house (journeys and moves to faraway places) is in absolute terms one of the easiest positions to unload the symbol of the lord of Capricorn. We all wish we could always have it in the ninth house (but as you know this is impossible), and we have stated that it is quite easy to exorcize Saturn in ninth house. But how? By spontaneously depriving yourself of a journey abroad, cruise or trip even to an island in the same country you live in: not to take any trips at all. For these two and a half years, stay home to appease Saturn’s “sickle” which would cause you difficulties during your trip, such as: lost embarkation or identity documents, loss of your luggage, problems and/or inconveniences with foreigners abroad, insolence that ruins your holiday (or the classic constant bad weather that forces you to stay in your hotel for the entire holiday period) or even a hotel that is very much worse than your expectations (hygienic-sanitary shortcomings, poor service and so on). Another way to unload this symbol is by travelling - if it is strictly necessary, if only to go and see an old relative abroad to bring them a little comfort – but to travel "uncomfortably" favouring the train to your car.

Here Saturn can act in two exactly opposite ways even if it will still, in any case, be about “suffering“, “difficulties“ you will pay heavily for your career, your personal prestige and your professional development. How can you unload this Saturn symbol in your tenth house … literally by “wearing yourself out” at work, accepting more commitments than expected, trying to stay on the job as much as possible, trying to gain a position you had as an objective with great difficulty and by sweating and studying and working to improve yourself as much as possible. Only in this way will Saturn have obtained the sacrifices it is "due", in the way it wishes them to be made. Otherwise, by relaxing or hiding your head in the sand (or under the cushion, it’s the same thing) you will really risk losing what you already have, or at least end being demoted, with fewer clients, more difficulties at work, and so on. For example, you may ask to be moved near a colleague nobody can stand (and that you can stand even less!) rather than being placed on a shift that makes it difficult to get to work (if you are employees, the latter would really be the case for you). However, since the tenth house is also our mother, a good way to unload Saturn would also be by visiting her much more, dedicating your time to her and listening to her requests, taking her out for a walk, accompanying her to the doctor, and so on.

Forget your projects, of any kind, and live day by day, thinking of what you have to do every day without planning “overall schemes”. In the next two and a half years with Saturn transiting your eleventh house it in fact means depriving yourself of planning for the future. Thus, you can be clever and anticipate the planet and abandon various projects before even starting them … unless they are projects that last an awfully long time and are arduous to carry out, which are a long way away (the slowness combined with time is music to the ears of Saturn!). So only if you set up a project for a period of ten to fifteen years of your life in terms of involvement then, as we were saying, Saturn will also be glad. However, it has to be done very cleverly. Another way to unload the symbol of the lord of Capricorn, transiting the eleventh house, is by abandoning a hobby, especially if it relates to music (which means not playing an instrument for the next two years!) or you may also spontaneously abandon a friendship, by breaking it, simply getting the person concerned to keep his/her distance. Once past this transit, everything should go back to normal.

Since the twelfth house tells us about heavy and difficult trials all round, it is not so difficult to imagine how to unload this symbol of Saturn, right? It will be enough for you to anticipate the planet by making different kinds of sacrifices to "avoid" the lightning bolts of the severe lord of Capricorn as much as possible. Frequent people as little as possible, and therefore isolate yourself, getting involved perhaps in reading literature that is perhaps not much fun (essays, and so on) and do not eat delicacies or desserts, or even smoke cigarettes and/or deprive yourself of similar pleasures. This will really have to be a period in which the term amusement and/or easiness should disappear from your vocabulary before Saturn appears in all its "unpleasantness" to make itself heard in a loudly. Another excellent way to unload the Saturn symbol might be by doing voluntary work as much as you can in hospitals, retirement homes for the elderly, communities for drug addicts, psychiatric facilities, assistance to children suffering from bad illnesses etc. Lastly, if you can, spontaneously go to the hospital, staying perhaps for a couple of days, with “the excuse” of a complete check-up, which in any case is always a good thing to do every now and then.

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