
Venus in Aries

At a dance hall; At a table, a group of young women are chatting, hoping to be invited to dance and suddenly one of them gets up and decides to invite a man sat at the bar to dance with her. Here we see the Venus in Aries in action. Courageous, impulsive and accepting no half measures. With Venus in Aries, love changes into passion but passions gets upset and things often finish as quickly as they began. That's the way it is. With Venus in Aries, you love like a ram, with your head down, charging along and then stop suddenly. You have the courage to take a new road, but not the perseverance to follow it to the end. There is a strong need of personal affirmation, a confirmation of your own value and of your own ability of conquest. Equally, a need for reassurance, because above all you are extremely fragile, and only the great loves, those with a capital letter, can present such certainty. That is why people with Venus are able to believe in the unbelievable. A Venus in Aries ignites when meets Mars in fire signs, like yourself spontaneous, playful and full of vitality; unlike Mars in earth signs like Capricorn where the prudent, calculating and disciplined ways would kill you with boredom.

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