The Astrology Transits of Moving Home

Edited by Gemma

Sometimes we are more likely to move home than at other times in our lives and through the eyes of the natal chart in astrology, this can be distinguished by looking at various specific transits to the chart. Astrology has been around for as long as man has written history and, for thousands of years, we have been recognising patterns of correlating aspects in the heavens to what goes on in our lives here on Earth.

Ever since the start of the virus pandemic, which was the first few months of 2020 for most people, there have been many changes to society and the way we lead our lives. This has resulted in swathes of people moving home and still, many people are looking for or waiting until their time is right to make the move.

These times can be trying but there are some astrological transits that are known to be great for increasing the likelihood for new opportunities for us, especially when it comes to property or changes in location. With each transit, the reasoning behind us finding or looking for a new home may be very different. Here, I will outline some of these differences and the energies that may come into our lives that can contribute towards your house move for each transit.

Jupiter Trine Your IC

With this aspect to your natal chart, you have the planet of expansion swapping a focussed and easily-facilitated ray of energies with one of the four main angles of your natal chart. This very important angle is the IC (otherwise known as the Imum Coeli) and it corresponds to the very seat of your life or your home, the home you grew up in as a child and your most comfortable personalized zone. So what’s happening here is that, not only are potentials within your home life expanding, but so are potentials concerning the location of your home. The IC is also all about the heritage of the place we live in and its signification extends to property as an asset. With Jupiter being the planet of luck and adventure, we may desire to live in new places during this transit and moving at this time may bring us luck during this specific process.

Uranus transiting Your 4th house

Your 4th house is quite similar in signification as your IC, yet as a house it is much less concentrated and the transit to it can take much longer, equalling a whole phase of your life. It can take Uranus around 9 or 10 years to move through your 4th house, which is your house of home and family. Generally, Uranus can have a tendency to disrupt all he comes into contact with in the natal chart, while bringing unexpected occurrences. This means that we can expect many changes to our home and family life when Uranus transits our 4th house. This may sound a little scary for some, but often it is exactly what is needed for many, as the changes Uranus can bring can be exciting and refreshing. Some of these changes can mean moving home. The god news is, after a Uranus transit, we are usually much more aligned with our genuine selves in what has come forth.

Uranus Moving Over Your Ascendant

When Uranus moves over our Ascendant, we can expect changes just as we can when Uranus moves through our 4th house, yet the changes are more likely to be brought along by ourselves or our own conscious will. Now, we may become consciously aware things simply need to change. After feeling this undercurrent in our lives for a while during Uranus’ transit through our 12th house, we may simply not be able to hold it any longer as he sweeps over our Ascendant and into our 1st house. A house move will be especially more likely if Uranus rules the 4th or the 8th or 10th houses of our natal chart (of home, funding and investments or public changes).

Pluto Squaring Your MC/ IC Axis

Our MC/ IC axis is the axis that represents our home/ career life balance. It tells us where we came from (our roots) versus where we are heading in life. The MC is related to our ambitions and our public image, so changes in these areas can and will happen during squares to our MC/ IC axis. Pluto can be a huge game-changer. So much so that his transits tend to correspond with some of the greatest shifts that happen throughout our lives. Some of the biggest transformations we go through are during Pluto transits and the square is one of the transits we tend to see the greatest shifts.

Pluto Moving Through Your 4th or 10th House

Pluto takes around 15 years to move through one of our houses, so this is quite a large period of our life. In fact, Pluto moves so slowly through your birth chart that we may never experience Pluto in our 4th or 10th house, all depending on which house of our natal chart Pluto resides when we were born. However, when he moves through either of these houses, there is a much greater chance we will move home. If in the 4th, we are likely to move due to changes within family or home life. If in the 10th, the reason is more likely to be career driven or to follow personal ambitions.

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