Venus and its importance in the affective problems inherited from past lives – second part

Edited by Paolo Crimaldi

It is appropriate to go back to the subject of the retrograde nature of Venus, because this planet is symbolically tied to copper, a metal that has a strong vehicular energy capability, and has the ability of mediating the interpersonal exchanges on a psychological-affective basis, and if it turns out to be retrograde in the natal chart it is probable that the person could feel a block in the way of his/her affective relationships, perhaps without managing to fully express his/her own emotional potential or having the sensation of speaking a language different to that of his/her partner and therefore of not being understood.

But let’s go and see the meaning of the aspects that the Venus retrograde forms with the remaining planets and the sensitive points of the natal chart that have not been taken in consideration in the previous article.
The aspect which Venus retrograde forms with Neptune is very important in revealing the dynamics and the inherent problems in the ability of an individual to idealise a relationship. Many people who have this position in the natal chart, independently of the nature of the aspect, finish falling into the syndrome of the princess who kisses the frog to transform it into prince, the most dangerous dynamics that carries out a series of self projections and idealisations that the partner does not see himself/herself for what he/she really is, but for what he/she wants, and as a result all his/her are defects removed, those psychologically disturbed features that do not enter into syntony with the ones he/she has. What happens is a kind of strange and dangerous psychological machination able to transform the object of desire and even if he/she is seen as he/she really is, there is the dangerous delirium of omnipotence that thinks “I will save you”.
Clearly in presence of dissonant aspects (especially of squaring) the idealisations and the projections don’t succeed and generally the comparison with reality happens beforehand and in a quite sharp way, while the harmonic aspects (particularly) lead the trines to drag out what we wanted to create in our own mind for a long time, and the impact with the reality is less strong.

From reincarnation standpoint this attitude is due to a previous existence in which the person did not behave well with the persons whom he loved and lived his/her own emotions ambiguously and never gave almost any certitude, or certainties in relationships. In other words the responsibility for the relationship was not accepted or appeared completely different than what it really, creating illusions and expectations for others who were inevitably disappointed.

But how and when is it possible to finish with this karmic debt?
There are transits of Chiron and Moon’s nodes in aspect to Venus (especially after having been returned to direct symbolic level again) to show the road and to favour the recovery of one’s own emotionality, of that part of if that does not want to accept the diversity of the other. In particular, Chiron can provide the tools that are particularly useful for acknowledging a sense of guilt that has been inherited from a past existence and that in the present one pushes to act in a way that at times is painful for himself/herself, but also for others, and then not to get out of the trap of illusions, even if i there is no longer an intention to manipulate. In particular, the transit of conjunction of Chiron on the Radical Venus can lead to great awareness that nevertheless requires an initial and painful acceptance of reality, which in some cases can regard the acceptance of failure of the whole sentimental path of our life. However, it is from here, the recognition of this atavistic wound, that we have with us at birth, if not from a previous existence, that it is possible to spring forth again and start living our own affectivity in a different way and to opening-up to mature, real relationships, which are not negatively affected by expectations or idealisations that have nothing to do with the person that has entered into our life.

While the transits of the nodes, but in fact we should talk only about the conjunctions of the North and South Node, to the natal Venus, can teach us to become aware of our own constraints tied to emotionality that have not yet dissolved, and usually the passage of the North node is indicative of the solution of problems that relate to the present existence, while the South node brings forth problems that can relate to past lives or to emotional experiences that go back to early childhood, through memories, sensations, feedback that in some moments burst into the conscience in a rather sudden way, when an astonishing sensation if not a psychic tension that only dissolves after it has been dealt with.
The awareness that arrives with the nodes is very important because in evolutive terms it is used to make us enter into a new dimension, to acquire greater awareness of our own existential path that has been chosen in the present incarnation.
In the near article we will deal with the Venus retrograde report in relation to Pluto and then to the dynamics of power and manipulation in affections.

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