Personalized daily horoscope for :

In this personalized horoscope report are analyzed only the transits of the fast-moving planets, including Mars transits.

To get a general picture of transits, including the transits of the slow-moving planets, we suggest to calculate your transit chart

Text by Giovanna Aliprandi                 
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Astrology online - Interpretations

This aspect coincides with the New Year and represents for each individual the beginning of a new existential cycle. We leave one year behind and it comes naturally in these days to think about the past and to make projects for the future. The Sun, which symbolically represents the fulcrum of our vital energy, receives a remarkable impulse today that somehow must be focussed towards personal recognition. It might be concerned with little projects, but is, however, aimed at rewarding our ego. During the day we will not miss the opportunity to take little initiatives aimed to give a new hint to our personality. Even if our energies are not at the maximum levels, because of adverse Mars, we will feel like we are the centre of the universe.


This aspect presents us with the possibility of bringing some hidden parts of our emotional nature to the level of conscience, even if they are only nuances in our way of reacting instinctively with the outside world. Traditional values become more important to us and we feel happier when in a family setting. In this moment relationships benefit from our greater involvement and, with Venus’ support, enjoyable new loves are not out of the question. In practice we will be probably buy a few things to make our homes more comfortable.


During these days, our mental energy (represented by Mercury) receives a strong encouragement from the aspect of the Sun. We will be more inclined to communication and we will not miss the opportunity to express our points of view openly. Our daily tasks are facilitated by our clear mind and by a good level of concentration. It is the right moment to deal with pending correspondence, to solve little bureaucratic matters or to make personal problems clear. Our learning faculties are greater than usual and they favour study or any other intellectual activity. Moving or short journeys are possible for work or fun.


Even if only for a few hours, this aspect has the power to let us feel more attractive than usual and we need to pay attention to ourselves. It is about a sure and confident attitude that attracts to us people of our own kind. Most likely we will approach others in a kinder manner, attracting pleasant expressions of affection. If the slow planets signal a lucky period for love, it might be the day for a fatal attraction. Moreover, as far as our sentimental life is concerned, this transit emphasizes the interest for art and agreeable things of life. A visit to a museum or the purchase of a beautiful object is certainly possible.


Our daily activity receives today a remarkable impulse from the aspect of the Sun. We are therefore more dynamic than usual and we show initiative, perhaps to pave the road for a small activity that we were planning for days. We quickly get to work on our tasks since we are impatient and want to fulfil them. In general, we usually manage to do a great amount of work, but we must be careful, not to let the haste take the upper hand. An energy overload might cause irritation and irritability, in which case it would be good to let off steam through sport or walking in the open air.


It is not easy to predict what effects the Moon will cause when transits conjunct our Sun, since the sensations vary a great deal from person to person. If we are generally rational by character, we will be less polarized in the mind and more sensitive to the flow of our emotions. Those who are guided by their emotions will often have an easier control of it for the whole duration of the transit, which lasts about two days. In both cases a greater consciousness can be noticed when it comes to our inner emotional nature. On a practical level this transit indicates good relationships with those of a different sex, harmony in family life and intimacy at home.


During this transit, that lasts about two days, we are under the influence of the irrational side of our character more than usual. Emotions become more intense and the need for intimate and tender contact is emphasised. We feel a strong need to be wrapped up in the love of those close to us, especially in the intimacy of our domestic environment. Our attention to ourselves becomes more marked, and we look for pampering and care from our surroundings. A greater sensitivity lets us notice the subtlest nuances in the behaviour of those near us but on the same time we risk being not very objective because we become too heavily involved in completely subjective sensations. In this case we need a few moments of detachment to have a quite consideration of our own inner workings. Often our thoughts will dwell on questions from the past.


This type of combination involving the Moon and Mercury provokes us to be more open-minded at times, and at others it can cause a certain mental confusion. Our mind, while influenced by emotional factors, is less clear but on the positive side it frees itself of any rigidly-structured pattern of thought. In general we are more receptive to what is hidden behind the concrete reality of the facts and on the same time more willing to be open to dialogue. A key point is that we will manage to translate our sensations and feelings into words. Also, creativity benefits from this transit, be it intellectual or artistic. We must not be frightened by few mood swings, because, in any case, those that occur during this transit are from unrelated energies.


This type of transit puts us in position to enjoy life’s little pleasures. We will be nicer than usual if we meet up with friends or we might be tempted by a particular restaurant. The Moon enriches our sentimental nature with romance and, slow planets permitting, we might find love or rediscover the pleasure of intimacy with our partner. Our motherly instinct rises to its maximum level and not only with our own children but also for whoever needs our care. In general, our emotional side is coloured with positive emotions.


The natures of these two planets are not very compatible. Mars speeds up our instinctive reactions (Moon) in a warlike way and we will easily lose our cool for no good reason. Our emotions are more extreme, for better or worse. Aggressive people tend to calm down a little, showing greater tolerance towards others, while those of meek personality try to rebel against every type of imposition. In some cases this transit encourages actions and initiatives that need us to be a bit bolder.


The mental clarity we have, thanks to the conjunction of Mercury with the Sun, lets us achieve our objectives with the optimum mental state. Even if this transit is of short duration, it could be that the positive effects of this moment of consciousness continue once the transit has passed. The ability to communicate with the external world is heightened and we are provided with a strong power of conviction, especially if we must express our ideas in work or study. We should make sure we pay extra attention in some cases so as not to confuse a heated debate with the forcing of opinions on others.


Some anxious moments can arise due to our hurry to consider our emotional rationale. It is nevertheless the right occasion to really think about what has been building inside us for a few days. We are also able to express feelings and sensations since we are making rational sense of ideas from our unconscious. A dream that is more vivid than usual concerning personal relationships could mean we need to talk with the people involved. Generally during this transit our thoughts will focus on familiar and functional questions rather than anything deeper.


The return of Mercury to its original position takes place roughly each year and signals a day of intense mental activity. Every use of the mind is favoured, above all studying and research. Communication of any type is intensified like be they written, verbal, or using a telephone. In any case we will be clear and direct in our own way of expressing ourselves. Thoughts and projects crowd our head but are always aimed, with certain emotional detachment, towards practical and concrete objectives. Unless disturbed by dissonant interference, we will move in the right direction, both on a physical and on a mental level.


This creates a good collaboration between reason and feelings which leads instinctively to us valuing the things we hold dear. If we are starting a relationship, be it friendly or a love interest, then this is the day to think about the pros and cons. It is not about having a discussion to consider the cons but about paying attention to any details that perhaps we hadn't noticed before. In general, we are attracted to beautiful, pleasant things, which could include visual treats such as works of art. Our way of expressing ourselves turns out to be more affable than usual and our thoughts are directed towards the positive side of life. The contribution of other favourable planets lets leads to a pleasing finish for ongoing business.


The contact with the planet Mars speeds up mental processes making us swifter both in thought and communication. Our immediate intuition lets us solve ongoing matters that perhaps had been put on a back burner for some time. We express our ideas in a concise but decidedly effective way, which avoids any misunderstandings. Concurrent stressful transits can cause impatience and an argumentative attitude. In general, this transit encourages our initiative and determination to assert our own points of view. If in some moments feel like we're going crazy, we should relax using techniques like yoga or simply by forgetting more taxing thoughts.


Transiting Venus conjunct our Sun colours the day with pastel dyes because we are in a serene mood. Today we can leave the daily worries behind and think about ourselves and more about what we like. Except for other disturbing transits, this is the right moment to distract one's mind, to go on vacation or to pleasant meetings; we have a good feeling with the external world and therefore we won’t be lacking in complements and invitations. Also, creativity is speeded up by this transit, especially in the sectors related to art, and we might discover a little talent that we didn’t know we had. The pleasure of dedicating time to ourselves will lead to us perhaps to the hairdresser, the gym or a beauty salon.


This transit extols love in all its manifestations and we will not remain insensitive to the call of our affectionate nature, even if we are very rational people. Intimate connections and all values that come from family acquire even more value. Wouldn't it be a good idea to meet with relatives or to visit someone we have not seen for long time now? Perhaps a few cuddles could bring fresh air to an old relationship? The magic of this transit is that it wakes up our outdated romantic side – it will be enough to prepare a candlelit dinner to show our love for our partner. Perhaps our home will also receive more attention than usual.


Our mind today does not want to be disturbed by oppressive thoughts because Venus continuously brings it back towards all that is pleasant and relaxing. We present ourselves to the external world in a nice way and are more open than usual communication. Our ideas are clear with regard to what we really want and therefore we can express our sentiments without misunderstandings or ambiguity. Dialogue is particularly favoured with women, be it in at work or in private. Creativity is expressed especially mentally, favouring those who study, teach or speak in public.


Our mind today does not want to be disturbed by oppressive thoughts because Venus continuously brings it back towards all that is pleasant and relaxing. We present ourselves to the external world in a nice way and are more open than usual communication. Our ideas are clear with regard to what we really want and therefore we can express our sentiments without misunderstandings or ambiguity. Dialogue is particularly favoured with women, be it in at work or in private. Creativity is expressed especially mentally, favouring those who study, teach or speak in public.


The day in which Venus meets our natal Mars is characterised by the passion that dominates each of our actions. We will not save our energy if the chance to express our creativity presents itself, especially in the sectors of art and love. This transit, which is interpreted often as an awakening of the Eros, favours the birth of new relationships. The return of an old flame is not rare, even for someone who has been in a steady relationship for a long time now. In general, the enthusiasm that we emit in any context turns out to be extremely contagious and each type of relationship is lived with great intensity.


This conjunction develops strong energy that, to be considered positive, must be channelled accurately, especially under the guide of the mind. Often we perceive a sense of unlimited power that makes it difficult to accept all that is perceived as a rule or a compromise. Generally speaking, this transit is physically stimulating and it will favour activities that need more that just intellect. For about two days we will be under Mars’ influence of intensity, which is not repressed but wisely used to benefit our daily activities. Shy or insecure persons can count on this transit to help them appear more authoritative and determined to the rest of the world.


The meeting of these two planets, which are so different by nature, does little for emotional stability. We feel restless, more irritable than usual and want to release this inner uneasiness on others. Mars’ aggressiveness sits badly with the Moon’s sensitivity: past resentment might explode with excessive hostility. Under the influence of this transit, our relationships become stormier. Those in touch with their feminine side suffer most; both in terms of the women who are around us, but also in the sense of our more fragile or sentimental side.


Mercury represents our mental processes which are made more active by contact with Mars, letting us think quicker. We might get impatient mainly because others do not seem to keep up with us in conversations or in exchanges of ideas, although we have to try and hide any disappointment, and avoid criticism or sharp comments. Intellectual activities benefit, including studies, we will be particularly convincing in giving our opinion, in whatever field we may be working. Travelling will be quicker than usual and including travelling by car or with public transport. If we feel electrified because our mind is super-active, we must avoid taking our physical energy for granted; we would risk putting too much at stake!


Under the effects of this transit our creative vein is best expressed physically, therefore all those works that ask for artistic talent, united with manual skills, will benefit from it. Almost always, the conjunction of Mars and Venus represents an awakening of our passion and stimulates physical desires for the opposite sex, as both planets are tied to Eros. A renewed passion for our partner is possible, perhaps after a barren period. Love affairs born in this moment are very enthralling; but this transit is not sufficient to guarantee the duration of the relationship if other favourable planets do not co-operate.


This period puts our physical resources to the test when we think of new initiatives or the restarting of projects that have been on hold for a long time. Our energy potential is at the maximum level and we must use it in something that benefits our personality: otherwise, those same energies might work against us. Bizarrely, a sensation of tiredness might come from failing to use our minds or our talents well. Physical activities and sports are a way to give our body the possibility to express its capability or to release possible excessive energy. In general this transit is an encouragement to use the determination and enthusiasm we are provided with in our daily life.

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