Interpretation of your dream Shannon

The dream

I keep have 2 recurring dreams. In one I am in a beautiful apartment/house and I know it is mine and I love it there. It is a new level of comfort and luxury that I do not have in my daily life. It is spacious and beautiful, and I know I can afford it. I know that I love this place and that it is mine.
In the other I am buying and wearing new clothing and new shoes, ones that I cannot afford in my daily life, but in the dream I know I can afford them and I love them and I love the way it makes me feel.
After both dreams I wake up being sure that it was real, and I'm always a bit disappointed to find that it was just a dream.

Interpretation by Augusta Neumann

Both the dreams symbolize a desire. It means that you need to feel at ease and richer in any sense. It's a good thing. A wider house in dreams is a soul ready to expand. I'm sure that these dreams can become true because are an inner, real desire of your soul. Good luck. Augusta

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