Interpretation of your dream DG

The dream

I was in a car that my daughter was driving. We drove over this overpass which seem to lead straight into the sea. I don't swim, and because the road was so narrow we were not able to turn back. I grabbed her arm, and yelled out her name.

Interpretation by Augusta Neumann

Dear DG, this dream shows a particular moment of despair in real life which you don't allow to come out. You are yelling YOUR name as to stop something you don't want to carry on. The dream is a calling to truth in feelings. Ask yourself which is the way you don't want to go on anymore and it belongs to this time. Usually in dreams, our siblings symbolize the part of ourselves that is fragile, weak, needing help. You are feeling on the edge, no trespassing and you should take care of this inner advise. The most important thing is to give an answer to this calling: DG, wake up ! Hugs. Augusta

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