Exorcising Uranus

When the planet of "inevitable" change, radical modification and total "overturning" transits trough your first house, whether you like it or not you will have to change your lifestyle. Since in this context we will be giving you advice on how to "unload" the symbols, how to "anticipate" the planets, we recommend that you begin to change spontaneously before Uranus brings (on its own) radical changes into your life. To change, yes … but in what way? For example, radically modifying your appearance: if you have to lose five, ten, or fifteen kilograms, the right moment has finally arrived to achieve this. Uranus usually “burns to the ground” everything it finds in its path. Good! Burn your excess weight down to the ground! Alternatively, in order to "unload" this symbol, you can get a little operation done such as the removal of a mole or cyst etc. Another way to "exorcize" the planet could be by concretely modifying certain aspects of your character: are you impulsive or impatient? Really try to listen to others more and to try and understand people without prejudice.

What will the planet of unforeseen events and sudden changes in the house of money tell us? Obviously about unforeseen expenses and sudden changes (also positive ones!). So roll up your sleeves and start to attentively monitor your finances. It is true that there may be a surprise in terms of outgoings but it is equally as true that you may receive money. So how can Uranus be "unloaded", or "exorcized"? For example, by "draining your financial resources" in anticipation by asking your bank for substantial financing or even a loan from someone you trust, like a relative (the important thing is that is not someone who will then try to cheat you because with Uranus involved this "risk" is always a real one). If instead you have money coming in (because of a good sale, a gaming win, a donation, an excellent liquidation and so on) your only commitment to unload the Uranus symbol properly in the second house will be by not wasting your capital. Because however, the second house also corresponds to your appearance you may even decide on a "radical" change in that sense: those of you who have never had a beard or moustache could grow them, and the same goes for hair. Alternately, from being blonde you could suddenly (it is speed and the unexpected that Uranus likes a lot!) become a brunette and vice versa, and so on.

Among other things, the third house tells us of our relationships with brothers and the sisters, cousins, brothers-in-law, and so on. Uranus tells us about relationships which must be completely transformed in relation to these mentioned relationships: what does this mean? For example, you will have to try a reconciliation or get closer to them if relationships become cold and distant in the last period; if on the contrary you have been putting up with a “subaltern” situation for a long time in relation to a member of your family, among those mentioned above, then the time has arrived to get upset and rebel against impositions and/or abuse of power. Always remember that the important thing with the transit of Uranus is never to leave things as they are, ignoring the situation. In this case it would be the planet to grab you by the ear and force you to change, although it would be in accordance with the planet’s wishes! So … you know … prevention is better than cure. Another way to "exorcize" Uranus in third house could be by completely stopping the use of your car if you depend on it, or on the contrary of finally buying one, it would be even better to "face" getting a driving licence if you still haven’t got one, because this act would also be an implicit “effort“ to learn something new and which is perhaps difficult (driving in this case) and this is another way to please Uranus in the third house. Or else you could study a subject you have never tried before (to activate the Uranus - Novelty symbol in the house of study and learning).

The IV house is the environment in which we live but also our studio or workshop, laboratory, atelier and so on, and the transit of Uranus in our habitat tells us of change in two directions: from "simply" moving house (in first place) to buy a property, and since we do things to "unload", or “exorcise” the symbol of Uranus as best as possible in this place, it would be appropriate to act on it first, for example by planning the move that you have had in mind for a long while or similarly buying a second house that you had in mind for a while but that never got round to buying (or let, it’s the same thing). In the most difficult cases, Uranus could “force you” to momentarily abandon your home, perhaps because of a quarrel with your partner. Well, anticipate it, planning perhaps the acceptance of a work commitment that for a certain number of months requires you to be away from home (is the concept of “acting in advance” clear?). Lastly, the fourth house also symbolises your parents and thus, in this case, force yourself to change, to turn around your interpersonal relationships with them, bringing out things that are not going well and trying to fix them.

The fifth house essentially tells us, even if it is not the only thing, about love from and versus our partner and children; Uranus in transit in this house thus obliges us - as always, because it is its mantra – to change. But what? Our way of conceiving and managing relationships that relate to affection. Let’s start with relationships between couples: if, for example, you have a long standing relationship which may be nearing its end, it would be better to find the courage to end it for good, and in so doing you would act in respect of the field of affection before Uranus does, which instead would probably force you to have a harder time with "painful" steps. Or again, if the relationship you have satisfies you, try to change some of the rules within it, and above all in these years try not to set up your relationship as a couple on habits (Uranus hates this!) but on the contrary, on continuous little and/or big changes: did he/she use to do the shopping? Well, now you should go. Or was it he/she who used to cook more often beforehand? Now invert your roles. In short: change, change, change! The same thing applies to your relationship with your children, or in the way you enjoy yourself: change your habits.

Uranus in the sixth house (health, daily work routines, colleagues) forces us to take care of ourselves seriously if we have not wanted to do it up to now, if we have continuously ignored our health. Well, we cannot go on like this, so act immediately and check things that are not working well in terms of health. The best thing would be (if necessary) to have an operation in order to liquidate this passage in one shot. It’s good to remind yourself that this transit usually lasts approximately seven years of your life (it’s the same for everyone, not only for those of you who are currently reading this report!). In short, the concept is that of making a change, an act, a radical decision from a health point of view, which overturns the situation. Even changing your eating habits, to become more frugal or to "eliminate" a type of food, perhaps totally focusing on biological rather than macro-biotic food might be a good idea. Lastly, if you have one or more colleagues with whom things have not been going well, the time to change has arrived, changing the people you work with or, if you are employees and your superior has been making life difficult for you for a long time, now is the time to rebel.

Uranus through our seventh natal house is perhaps one of the "hardest" but at the same time easiest passages to understand, and consequently it is quite simple to "unload" its symbol. This is because in seventh house Uranus represents a risk for our sentimental relationships (this relates to a real engagement, co-habitation and/or marriage) and a solid business constituted years beforehand with a trustworthy person. In other words Uranus in this sector forces us to understand the fact that nothing is consolidated and nothing can be taken for granted when this planet arrives. All the certitude acquired up to now can be questioned. So take care, pay attention, dedicate your time, a lot of time to your partner but also to your business partner, which doesn’t change very much and it all needs to be managed by making it happen rather than with words. Lots of attention to detail and/or tangible gestures to show you care, to show your affection and your gratitude (the same applies if you have a partner). Only in this way, Uranus, by always being “on pins and needles”, will appease its “hunger” and desire to completely overturn the current situation. Or else, if your partner or business partner have long been showing signs of intolerance for some of your attitudes that they don’t like, Uranus will force you to move towards real change, of a radical modification of your ways which do not work. If you don’t do this (in other words if you do not unload the symbol of Uranus in this way) you risk it being the planet to very seriously compromise your relationship or your company etc. irreversibly.

Uranus, the planet whose symbol is lightning, which means the unforeseen and/or the turning upside down of a situation (turning a positive into a negative or vice versa) in the eighth house announces unforeseen expenses and/or the risk of really substantial outgoings of money, especially if you shut yourself away and pretend nothing is happening. In fact, this is the most dangerous attitude to take with this Uranus position. How can its symbol be exorcised? How is it possible to unload this risk of unforeseen expenses? Well obviously by always anticipating the planet before it acts. Therefore, if, for example, you are planning on getting married but it was the financial aspect that is making you uncertain, decide whether to take this step with Uranus in the eighth house, and the same applies (in fact, better still!) if this involves a high level of expenditure to buy a house or at least totally restructuring a house you already own. What about the money, you may ask? Well, if you don’t have enough then you should ask your bank for financing, which would also be good for "satisfying" Uranus in the eighth house, or again if the bank refuses to give you the funds, thereby leading you to having to "sacrifice" a large sum of money to obtain your objective, then do it and you will see that it will work without any further problems. Also change your sexual habits (not the tastes, sure, just your habits!) because Uranus in the eighth house may also ask for this.

Moving, a lot of journeys, movement: this is what Uranus transiting your ninth house asks you for, especially if up to now you have "given" very little from this point of view. In fact, in the house of long journeys, Uranus (which also represents airplanes) will ask you to move, especially abroad, and therefore to "unload" its symbol, in order to “exorcize” it, might for example be an excellent thing - if until now you have not been willing to fly – to get over your fear of flying and take a nice trip overseas: it would be a good way to pay off part of the transit of Uranus in the ninth house, lasting (like all the transits of this planet) about seven years. Another good way to go along this Uranus position might be by intensely studying a foreign language or at least brush up on a foreign language you perhaps already studied at school but which is now a bit "rusty". The ninth house also means faraway in metaphysical sense, and therefore along with the study of a foreign language you might test and/or commit yourselves to learning an Eastern philosophy such as yoga, Buddhism or astrology, parapsychology and so on.

Total reorganisation at work. This is what Uranus requires when it passes through the tenth house (which represents work but also your mother). Therefore, whether you like it or not in the next seven years you will have to get used to change, to review your methods and approach to work, to have the courage to turn things "upside down" at work before Uranus does it… according to its wishes, however! What should you do then? Much depends on what your work involves: if you are employees it will be enough for you to ask for a change of duties within of the realms of your skills, or if you work on shifts you can immediately change your shift – which is a shift you have worked hard over time to achieve – to ask for one that is very different from yours, or again if you are a self-employed professional in a "technical" sector, you can enquire about new methodologies and/or technologies to be used in your profession, and so on. However, remember that you must not "pretend" to change. You really do have to change certain things to pass this Uranus transit “unhurt”. Even temporarily changing your work location or asking for a transfer could work well and might be something Uranus likes quite a lot. At the same time you might unload the symbol of this planet by deeply reviewing your personal relationship with your mother.

The planet of the unexpected, of subversion of the natural order of things, of lightning and sudden changes, will pass through your eleventh house (friendship, projects, music). As usual, how is it possible to properly unload the Uranus symbol and not be caught unprepared for this rendezvous? For example, never forget that Uranus is also originality and so perhaps you can start widening your circle of friends, frequenting rather particular and/or extravagant people who perhaps until recently you would never have thought of frequenting. Perhaps some your friends will think you are acting "strangely", but for now you will not have a problem with this and you don’t have to think that those who care for you will abandon you for this reason. Another way of "exorcizing" Uranus in the eleventh house is by getting involved in projects and/or studying for your future, in respect of your life’s "horizons" and/or career paths, which are rather unusual or pioneering. Remember that, in any case, during the coming years your relationships with others must change profoundly, above all in regard to “dedicating yourself” to others with altruism and generosity: in this respect, since the eleventh house is related to “music“, it would not be a bad idea to unload the Uranus symbol by learning to play a musical instrument, perhaps being in a band, or better still, singing in a choir, which would be the same as doing something original with others.

When Uranus passes through the twelfth sector, which is the one of trials in all fields, it should never be underestimated because after its passage it could leave irreversible signs and/or traces. So always bear in mind that, as usual, we must anticipate it, even more so if “it” can decide what type of trials to inflict on us on its own initiative! Since the twelfth house usually refers to hospitalisations, a good way to "unload" Uranus in this sector is by “taking advantage of it” to go spontaneously into hospital and/or a clinic even for some simple medical check-ups, and you will see that this should already be something that Uranus likes, especially if you do it quite frequently. If instead you have been putting off an operation then it would be perfect to get it done in the period which sees this Uranus position. Since this is a transit that will last several years and will remain in the house of health, another intelligent way to unload Uranus, for example, might be by spontaneously studying alternative medicine therapies, or you could commit yourself to working for charity for the sick and the elderly, helping people who are suffering (suffering is always one of the values of the twelfth house). Another way of effectively "exorcizing" the Uranus symbol in this house might be by “hunting down” your so-called hidden enemies, which in reality have been acting against you openly for quite some time. Do not hesitate, and if you are sure of your reasons, make yourself heard! Lastly, a general attitude of frugality in terms of your eating habits always seems to be a good idea with this Uranus passage.

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