Interpretation of Chiron for :

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Interpretation and text by Paolo Crimaldi

Chiron in eleventh house

You have the gift of prophecy, even if you generally didn't expect or believe in it; you have the special ability to see ahead of time, to perceiving in clear anticipation what changes will come and happen around you and in the place in which you live, so much so to confer on you a strange magic, which nevertheless can make you seem strange to others, a little outside the norm as you do not fit in … and you are therefore difficult to manage.
But your true and great quality is peculiar as it is not aligned with anything and anybody, since you perceive a great inner freedom, which lets you feel completely intuitive and devoid of any intellectual barriers, the future of all that surrounds us and being forerunners in time. Clearly all this has a price that is living with diversity, or life outside the norm and structures that are rigid and inhibiting, always nevertheless offering certainties and stability, which instead are not possessed if you go beyond them.
In you, there is often a conflict that is born in the dualism between the search for freedom and the need to reassure and contain structures, but it is about more than a mental conflict felt in intellective terms, since what is chosen is always in favour of the first, because emotionally you would never manage to accept anything that can prevent you from expressing yourself and to autonomously experience what is in your life. Besides, your need not to build narrow, symbiotic connections is also expressed in your relationship with life and particularly in your loving relationships, where you have often shown the better … and worse side of you.
Your strong empathy aims in the initial phase of your history to structure a profound connection and to fuel expectations from a partner of a special connection, such as living well together, since you generally have a particular predisposition to attract people who aim to become attached excessively to you, to be jealous and possessive, especially when you start feeling oppressed and bound and you start the escape, removing and requesting greater freedom and autonomy.
Then relational conflicts can start, with difficult situations, whose management asks for much energy and consumes your time for other things, and it is hard for you to place the blame, when really thanks to your special gifts of putting things in a future perspective, you had already understood at the start of the relationship what type of personality and expectations your partner had.
The existential challenge consists in firmly maintaining your freedom, making things immediately clear, also at the risk of disappointing and hurting the person you have in front of you, and perhaps you risk being left alone, however what is vital for you is to have space and total autonomy and solitude into which nobody can enter. Certainly a difficult choice to make, but it will give generous results in the long term.
Lesson to be learnt: managing to keep personal decisions firm and not being afraid of being judged and accepted by others.


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