
Weekly Horoscope of 15/04/2024 - 21/04/2024

Automated translation from Astrologiainlinea

Despite a stimulating Monday, with the crescent Moon in the ninth field , something seems to get complicated between Tuesday and Thursday. Better to take these days calmly, with patience; let's even say philosophically. Perhaps there are work issues that worry you, or family discussions to manage that add up to setbacks: in short, a bit of stress must be taken into account and it is better to act according to priorities. On the other hand, Mars supports you and it will be easy to recover, in fact in the following days things will get better. You will feel more motivated, stimulated, you will not lack efficiency and creativity, you will be able to make plans at work and find harmony with your partner. However, try to slow down the pace on Sunday, because the personal and interior sphere also deserves to be nourished. So unplug from your worries, don't be convinced by a sense of duty to tire yourself out in domestic activities and take a few hours for yourself, dedicating yourself to simple relaxation, good reading, a hobby, without neglecting the intimacy of a couple. The trine of Mars warms the heart and the senses…

by Sandra Zagatti


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