
Weekly Horoscope of 15/04/2024 - 21/04/2024

Automated translation from Astrologiainlinea

This week is off to an encouraging start. Take advantage of the first few days to dedicate yourself to loved ones or to your interests, to pleasure and not just to duty: Tuesday and Wednesday especially seem to be lively and stimulating days! It will also be possible to organize a project, contact collaborators or hold a delicate discussion in the most effective way. Friday and Saturday are expected to be a little more unpleasant, perhaps due to problems at home or setbacks at work that will also make you a little grumpy with your partner or family. Dissonant Mars is a bit treacherous, you are tired and not very patient. However, Mercury and Venus are in support, so try to keep yourself open to dialogue, perhaps confiding in your partner what worries you and listening to his opinion: this is also complicity and will be good for the relationship, as well as for you. Sunday will chase away many anxieties: you will return calm and happier, creative and particularly fascinating. You can enjoy the affection of loved ones, your hobbies and interests, and perhaps dedicate a few pleasant moments to taking care of your body.

by Sandra Zagatti


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