
Monthly Horoscope
 from April 19th to May 20th

1st decan   February 20 - March 1
2nd decan   March 2 - 10
3rd decan   March 11 - 20

by Sandra Zagatti

Automated translation from Astrologiainlinea

Tranquility, not boredom
The Sun sextile the third field in Taurus , where it meets the New Moon on May 8. Fast planets also enter Taurus during the astrological month: Venus as early as April 29th, Mercury on May 15th. Mars , on the other hand, leaves your sign on April 30th, moving into the second field . As for the slower planets, Jupiter and Uranus are also in Taurus , sextile the third decan; Saturn and Neptune are instead in your sign, conjunct the second and third decade respectively. Overall, it promises to be a positive period, probably calmer than the previous one but not boring, but rather generous with stimuli and opportunities. In particular, you can take advantage of effective days such as 24, 25, 29 and 30 April, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 12 May. Some more uncertain moments will instead be possible on 20 and 27 April, 9, 10, 16 and 17 May.

Available wealth

The passage of Mars in your sign (which began on March 23) was certainly generous with psychophysical vitality and proactive stimuli, but also a little challenging. It has in fact sharpened needs and desires, but by joining first with Saturn and now (towards the end of April) with Neptune it has probably tested your strengths, both mental, emotional and practical... as well as your ability to translate them into realistic decisions or actions. In short, between optimism and pessimism, between certainties and doubts, between will and discouragement, you have achieved some results but also wasted a lot of energy, paying the price of an understandable tiredness. Conversely, transits in the second field ( Mercury as early as March 10th, Venus from April 5th and Mars itself from the 30th) favor a reflective pause, if only to better define your scale of values and understand precisely what matters most, which it deserves to be defended and promoted, which reassures and nourishes you on an emotional and psychological level, not just on a material level. The resources available, to put it briefly: to be grateful and proud of. And with Venus already in sextile from April 29th and Mercury itself following from May 15th, it seems that these resources are based on communication, comparison, dialogue with close people and openness to new acquaintances. All encouraging eventualities but not ephemeral for these, rather supported by solid foundations and constructive motivations, thanks to the supervision of Saturn . You are not alone, much less... poor.

Some compromises
The first part of the astrological month mainly accompanies a relaxing phase of relief and recovery, ideal for rearranging thoughts and redefining priorities. It will be easier thanks to a more peaceful atmosphere in private. Couple relationships enjoy renewed complicity and are strengthened on the basis of sincere feelings and shared motivations, even if there have been past misunderstandings it is possible to clarify, talk and listen to each other with availability. With the further passage of Mercury in the third field , on May 15th, working relationships will also liven up: collaboration becomes stimulating and profitable again, interesting proposals can arrive, without excluding useful meetings and contacts. In general there is a good movement of people and ideas, but without the urgency or stress of recent times. Indeed, you will undoubtedly be more efficient by being able to operate according to your own rhythms and ways. Some positive news could concern the economic sphere: it may be that a negotiation is resolved, that a deal is concluded, that you receive a bonus or that you manage to obtain a loan, in short that there is more income or in any case less expenses! In any case, you will feel more confident, perhaps authorized to make plans without too many fears. Of course, this does not mean that every difficulty will be resolved and that none will arise again, but at least you can make progress on more stable ground and towards clearer goals. Even certain family issues seem to be simplified, if not resolved completely: showing yourself open to some compromise will be an appreciated attitude.

First decade
Venus will be in sextile from April 29th to May 7th, Mercury from May 15th to 22nd. They are quick but still pleasant transits, stimulating above all for your social and emotional life. If you are single, you could make pleasant new acquaintances, perhaps during a trip or a recreational event. Even at work you can count on interesting ideas and perhaps valuable contacts.

Second decade
Saturn is always in conjunct : a little tiring but also constructive. Meanwhile, the sextile of Venus from 7 to 15 May will help you regain harmony in work relationships, friendships and above all in relationships as a couple. It is important to clarify any misunderstandings, without dragging on misunderstandings or resentments. Sharing an interest will also be a pleasant way to strengthen the bond.

Third decade
The last days of April seem a little confused, nervous, with Mars conjunct your Sun together with Neptune . The desires are intense but perhaps emotion does not make you objective. It is therefore advisable to avoid delicate decisions, remaining focused and organised. Projects and meetings are still interesting, with the support of Jupiter and Uranus .

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