Print article - Venus and Moon
Venus and Moon
By Lidia Fassio
Published on Astrology online
Here love is seen through the eyes of the Moon: it is therefore soft, romantic, clean, almost infantile, with a great need for tenderness and of sweetness. The Moon looks for stability through affectivity: it would want to put together these two things and to create an idyllic, perfect situation, in which voluptuousness, a sense of the personal pleasure and the hedonistic taste for beautiful things and a serene life come true through the comfort of another person, of a family and of an affectively and emotionally tranquil situation.
The prevalent form of love is motherly: in fact in the Moon - Venus imagery it is a mother who rewards the wishes of a child and everything about it denotes tenderness, affectivity, reduction, feeding, material and emotional caring, of protection and support more than of eroticism and of passion. For those who have this aspect it means the love in terms of support assurances and cuddling: to love, for this person, means to be at one with the other, it means being able to allow to go and once again find a sense of completeness in which there are no anguishes and nor are there conflicts or divisions.
This love has something to do with integrity and individuality. It is a form of love that still does not look at separations phases, too often passive, in which there is little wish for knowledge and of action: since the child expects the mother to provide everything it needs and that has to be decided for him/her, this love waits for everything to come from the outside and makes no moves towards growth. There is no differentiation and therefore there is an unconscious search for a lost paradise; it still regards an illusory and infantile manner, which dreams of there being no conflicts and of finding a condition of unity and of total wellbeing that must necessarily be with another or through another, but it is also a blocking dream , an “enchantment“, in which the whole growth process is still, waiting for action and movement: in a word, of “tension to.”.
This love has difficulty in tolerating separation and therefore it is not possible to talk about a real relationship, but about fusion, in which the imagination that prevails is the illusory and omnipotent thought that they are enough for each other. It is believed that the presence of the other gives living a sense of totality, but this closes the love inside a sterile circuit, without escape, because it isolates it and binds it. It is not possible to consider something a true love while there is a fusion, that lacks the wish that for tension towards the other.
It is a state of total passivity, while in reality love must always be an act towards another and it therefore presupposes a strong internal tension that pushes to be taken away from this kind of unconscious limbo, to emerge through the powerful wish of conquest and of autonomy, which will be able in the end to better anguish – the fear of detachment.
It is a love that feeds on dreams, on romantic tears, on ruffles in the heart; it is susceptible, easy to hurt, and needs memories, memories and escapes into the past, especially when there are recurrences or disappointments. It is fed by nostalgia; at times nevertheless escape can be in the sadness and in the expedience of childhood. In its most negative aspects this love does not exceed the threshold of infantilism and is capricious, becomes easily an egoistic and clinging love; it is a fragile love from an emotional point of view that can also have instability and mutability and with great dependence, which often leads also to its nemesis, since the fear of losing the object that provides support can suffocates the subject.