Print article - Each woman hides a Venus
Each woman hides a Venus
By Lidia Fassio
Published on Astrology online
February makes us immediately think of a holiday introduced some years ago, but which has now become very heartfelt: Saint Valentine or the holiday of lovers. A certainly magic day for all those whose hearts beat for someone, anxious of saying and listening to words without time, words that people have always spoken to each other, but each one feels them are only "his/hers", a source of unrepeatable creativity that only love allows. Instead, those who are not in love have sensations in the depth of their heart and wait for something to happen,or better still, waiting for the mythical goddess of Love to show herself launch the sweetest arrows. In spite of the vorticous approach of the threshold of the third millennium, the everlasting Aphrodite still dominates the reign of sentiment and love uncontested.
Venus represents, in fact, one of two faces of the female principle of the psyche (the other one is the Moon) and both possess the most powerful charm, nevertheless symbolising two complementary, but opposite characteristics. The Moon imbodiess the need for reduction, of belonging, the motherly principle and it moves through the channels of instinct and emotions (unconscious works); while Venus embodies erotic power and that of attraction and works through the channel of sentiment, in all that presupposes an evaluation and a choice (functions of the conscience). These two divinities are easily exchanged, but Aphrodite shows Lunar features only at the beginning of its appearance in Greek mythology, since this goddess was "imported" from the nearby people Mesopotania, where it represented a symbol of the Great Mother. Instead, In Greece the lunar principles were assigned to Vergin goddesses and goddesses, while everything that regarded the erotic principle and attraction it was assigned to Aphrodite.
Aphrodite is considered to be an Alchemic goddess , since it possesses certain characteristics of two groups, when two were not belonging, however, to anybody: in fact, for her relationships were very important, in fact she had a husband (Efesto), many children and innumerable lovers (a characteristic of goddesses), but shedid not depend on any of them emotionally, and therefore, did have stable commitments (particularity of the Vergin goddesses). Besides, for Aphrodite there was not for anything important that a relationship could bring or guarantee in terms of certainty, but only what this was giving her in terms of beauty, of personal fulfilment and of momentary pleasure.
Her continuous unfaithfulness to her husband was in fact typical, since each time she desired someone she would try to get them. Everything she touched become irresistible, like the irresistible magic belt that she wore to attract, to make herself full of fascination and of sex-appeal to seduce the next lucky one. What is particular here is the magnetism that springs from the "chemical reaction" that consists in the need of joining, of "consuming" another; a term that is to mean knowing them in a total way. This word, even if in the present day it is generally used to indicate happened completed sexual act, has a meaning more profound that symbolises the psychological need for "communion", which is on about three levels: physical, intellectual and spiritual. This is why Aphrodite is considered Alchemic, because she pushes for a union, but through the strength of attraction and the energy of love, it can literally transform everything it touches. Moreover, love is certainly the most powerful glue that exists on this planet: it is the only strength able to tear down all barriers and diversities. In mythology, Aphrodite, was not, however, only the lady of Love, but beauty and Art were also becoming associated to her, that similar love represent the transformation of something normal and rough into an unrepeatable work that is in itself original and embodied in the perfection of a form.
All women therefore have a side strictly associated with Aphrodite in their psyche, with which often they are connected only in youth, the age in which society approves of a girl looks for please at any cost and dresses up to try her attraction characteristics; while with the coming of maturity often women fit in much more comfortably into the role of the Moon, devoting themselves to others and belonging to someone, thus losing contact with their wish to attract, to seduce and to love. To rediscover this Venus side therefore means to give dignity back this goddess, means re-taking the pleasure of giving and receiving through one’s body, mind and individuality, relating that is in an absolutely equal way to each other, enjoying what the moment can give, without worrying whether we instead satisfy needs that have remained unsatisfied and that very much regard the main emotional side of our personality; to be in contact with Aphrodite also means knowing what counts and the worth inside of us and to manage to express it to the outside, without reserves and without inhibitions. Venus Aphrodite had many facets that seem evident in several ways that the twelve zodiac signs bring, some easier to put on and lead to others, all that nevertheless belonged to her. We see then through this range the qualities that the Goddess shows through her relationship with the signs.

Venus in Aries

Passion and physical pleasure are very intense in this sign; the body and the instincts travel faster than the mind. Aphrodite pushes here to immediately consume a relationship, making sharing very quick: they are so fast that they strike to the heart deeply and on a secondary level the consequences of what has been put in motion. Everything nevertheless can evaporate with the same speed with which it happened. it reminds us very much of the affiar that Aphrodite had with Mars, god of the War, a temperamental man, aggressive and instinctive, very powerful from a physical standpoint. When they are in perfect balance These two principles create Harmony (which was the name of the daughter born by their union), while when they are unbalanced they create Terror and Fear (another two children she had with Mars). This makes us understand perfectly that there is a Love - war connection in which fighting and competition are the principal ingredients.

Venus in Taurus

There is much sensuality in this sign, possessiveness and encompassing of others to be sure that it belongs to us. The goddess here presents herself still in her original mode and assumes several features of the Great Mother, and therefore becomes very earthly, with a still very undifferentiated strength, full of voluptuousness, softness, but still tied to the myth of reproduction that will be instead lose importance in her evolution. In this sign she is still Astarte, the Mesopotanian goddess with the gushing breasts that were coupled to guarantee the fecundity and the survival of her kind. her sexuality is intense, but still not very sophisticated and far from an expression of eroticism and from meaning of love as an art.

Venus in Gemini

In this sign love has almost adolescent characteristics, t is still immature, malicious, curious, it explores because it still does not know what power it will be able to assume. It is very much narcissism, in fact one flirts to try one’s attraction abilities, nevertheless sexuality and the eroticism are still in an embryonic state. Instead there already seems to be a very strong aesthetic and intellectual part of the goddess and her taste for beauty and youth. This sign also embodies the vanity of Aphrodite that is often described as beauty and is observed in the mirror, nevertheless knowing that it is the most beautiful and most desired being. We can find these features in the fleeting, superficial and ambiguous relationship that Aphrodite had with Ermes, which prompted the vanity of the goddess and she accepted it more through cunning ability and adulation than for its amorous aspect. Hermaphroditic was born from their union, a being who had both sexual characteristics and who, symbolically, represents the adolescent phase of those Gemini who still do not have a completely defined sexuality.

Venus in Cancer

In this sign it is very much sentimentalism and a little bit of infantilism, therefore there are many facets and a great need to be loved more than of loving. The heart beats like mad, the sensations are consuming, since they are filled with emotionality (in this sign the Moon reigns). They languor and require sweetness; sexuality is infantile and it is very much based on receptivity and passivity. There is more need to be cuddled and for hugs that do not relate to sexuality or eroticism. The sign has those very protective and motherly prerogatives that Aphrodite showed: she had many children, but mythology never tells us about her relationships with them; only in occasion of the marriage of Harmony with Oadm, the fact is mentioned that the goddess gives her daughter a golden necklace from her husband Hephaestus (the necklace gave an irresistible charm to whoever wore it); we can therefore see the motherly side in this gesture of Aphrodite that allows her daughter to wed, while she was famous for never wanting to lend her belt (which gave her the strength of attraction).

Venus in Leo

In this sign the strength of attraction and the proud ostentation of one’s own qualities prominent: it is these that dominate. It is the proof of our own potentials that is obtained by making anything enchanting, not for interest in a relationship, but like the maximum expression of this energy. In this sign there is a need to win others over and of trying one’s own intensity that surpasses everything that happens later. Love is a creative and catalyzed energy and Aphrodite in the sign of Leo fully demonstrates these qualities that also belong to the Sun: which also ,in fact, attracts all the other celestial bodies to itself with this energy. The goddess was also called "The Gilted one", since she had golden hairs and wore golden ornaments and because she paraded in an uninhibited way in front of anyone. Aphrodite is a goddess of light, day and often she pursued her lovers in full daylight withoutnever hiding, showing proudly this was a savage thing, challenging the world and the opinions of others with her certainty. Her relationship with Anchise, Enea's father, that happened in full daylight is typical. She appeared completely naked to him, in an uncovered way and therefore exposed to the eyes of all, but especially of Helium (the Sun), which on another occasion had already seen her together with Ares, running to tell Hephaestus about it.

Venus in Virgo

Affectivity is very controlled, never shown. There is a natural reserve in expressing one’s own positive charcateristics and ability, perhaps an excessive prudery, even if we should not forget, nevertheless, that the Virgo is an earth sign and therefore very sensitive to all physical things. Aphrodite in this sign symbolises that part that is extreme independence and self-sufficiency: she was a goddess who never submitted to anybody and who did not actually devote herself to anybody. It is gher relationship with her husband Efesto, to whom he was never a follower and with whom she never allowed herself to be entirely involved: she is nevertheless the inspiring muse of this god who creates more and more beautiful works of art that are inspired by his wife. We can interpret it as being like the union between Beauty and the Technique that give life to a work of art and the ability of creating with one’s own hands. Those who have Venus in this sign are often very much attracted to something extremely creatively; The eroticism can be very strong, but marked by a mańa to reach perfection. There is a difficulty in letting oneself go, as the goddess did not allow herself to go with Efesto, therefore everything seems planned.

Venus in Libra

There is the natural lordship of Venus in which she shows her most refined artistic side, ethically and intellectually in this sign. It represents the choice that is a necessity, which involves the renunciation of something. Aphrodite very much embodies the myth of choice, in all that she was very conscious of what she wanted, of her value and of what it needed and therefore chose. It was never a choice, it was not allowing herself to seduce, but it was seducing, attractive, never attracted. This involves a profound knowledge of one’s own abilities, resources and values. We can see this Aphrodite facet when it forces the Psyche "to divide the seeds by type and stack them up", symbolizing the task at that the Libra must look inside of with honesty, reviewing its sentiments and separating what is important from what is not . Therefore the affectivity of the Libra is very rational, controlled and aimed to satisfy the aesthetic and intellectual side more than that erotic and physical one, also trying to make what is unbalanced harmonic.

Venus in Scorpio

In this instance Venus seduces, provokes turbidity, overwhelming and disturbing situations, up to the abandonment of any moral and ethical sense, reaching the most extreme manifestations of tragedy and the drama. Loves are intense and full of passion (that means love and pain that possession, revenges and grudges always crete), and jealousy, in a sourceof transgression and challenge that also can turn out to be fatal. We can see in this sign the side of the Power of Love that Aphrodite embodies before making it become destructive. The myth often indicates to us the vengefulness of this goddess, who would charm the person she was angry with, making them enter into a tunnel without a way out. This was the case for the wife of King Cinira, who boasted about having a daughter (Myrrh) more beautiful than the goddess of Love and this offended, so she made the girl fall totally in love with her father, and taking advantage of the fact that he was drunk, lay with him. The father, learning of this fact, killed his daughter because of the dishonour. Myrrh was transformed into a fragrant tree that carries the same name.

Venus in Sagittarius

Here sentiments and sexuality are necessary for the sign of adventure and of the pursuit of continuous novelties and new goals: what interests is essentially not to be stopped, not to be closed in within a relationship to avoid blocking all the potential that a new relationship and a new love carry with them; often it is also a question of unreachable or faraway loves, which always maintain interest. These features are very well espressed by the love of Aphrodite with the most beautiful Adonis, a mortal being, which Persefone was also in love with, so that it was impossible to have everything: the contest between two goddesses; Zeus decreed that Adonis should pass a third of his time with Persefone, a third with Aphrodite and a third according to his choice. The fact of " never having something completely" is, for this Venus, the guarantee of not having a relationship that crystallises.

Venus in Capricorn

Here the affections become calculated, rationalise and yield to the strategies and to the use of erotic arts and of the intellectual side of Venus. This is an embodiment of Aphrodite as the lady of the Hetars, that is Greek women who did not choose marriage and who were brought up with culture, politics and to the teaching of the art of the love, and they were not interested in lighting the flame desire with a particular man. In this sign the goddess offers herself as a delightful and refined companion in a completely equal relationship at all the levels. The word "aphrodisiac" derives from what these women represented and cultivated: the Aphrodite art. It may also seem cold and detached, but it presents and extols a strongly independent hiatus, which is a typical charcateristic of the Hetarie.

Venus in Aquarius

Affectivity in this sign becomes receding and wandering and completely shows the incapacity to grasp lasting and intense connections. There is no emotional contamination and connections Moreno longer exist: what it wants to give is that " each one prays", for his/her path. , Instead, the relationship of friendship is very strong, which in the end is the most balanced sentiment and the one in which it is really possible to allow a person to be himself/herself. Aphrodite appears here in her most idealistic and less earthly aspect; she embodies the myth of perfection. There is a depiction of her birth as the daughter of Uranus, a god of the Sky, in which she is recognised by the father (who refused to recognise all the children he previously had since they were ugly and deformed), while she, beautiful and perfect, is the embodiment of his "ideal".

Venus in Pisces

The sentiments in this sign can no longer run only on strictly personal lines, but they must also be something that includes the world in its widest sense. The sign of the Pisces forces this Venus to become a sacrifice, and partecipate. Love here is written with a capital A, but it is often a love for humanity, not only for a partner or for close friends. This aspect is well described in the image of Aphrodite and the king Pygmalion, who was in adoration of the perfection of the statue of ivory of the goddess. One day Venus, derived with pity and deeply struck at such a demonstration of affection, transformed the statue into a true woman to which the name Galatea was given, with which the king experienced a wonderful relationship. In this myth Aphrodite represents the power to transform what she and Love possess: it is love that has the ability of even melting stone, a symbol of barriers and personal rigidity.