Print article - The Sun in the Water Signs
The Sun in the Water Signs
By Daniela Grazioli
Published on Astrology online

The glyph of the sign of Cancer is the crayfish, an animal that walks sideways, the same thing as those that belong to this sign, which if they can, face life from the side. To become a hero will not be an easy enterprise for our little and sensitive cancer. His strong point and at the same time of fragility and weakness is the great sensitiveness that our hero will have to learn to use for others and not only for myself.
There is in the Cancer a great need of belonging, of dependence, of emotional contact; the Cancer in fact is the sign that tends to maintain the connection with the family in way more marked; the mother and the past. The battle that our hero will have to fight will be the conquest of emotional independence that involves the renunciation of his great need for protection. During his journey he will have to learn to face life and ask and to assert what he wants in a direct way, winning over the fear of losing protection, abandoning himself to self-indulgence and to the emotional blackmail to which he often resorts to passively obtain what does not have the courage to express directly. Ours apparently fragile Cancer hero in fact has such a need for intimacy, of feeling and keeping himself in contact that rather than to put in danger such a connection and risk breaking he seems ready to abandon everything else, but since he has the same demands and needs of everyone else, he will try to obtain fulfilment through attitudes of passivity, false weakness, and emotional blackmail.
Our Cancer hero therefore must grow a spine and abandon the false power of blackmail and fragility, must be a mother of himself to avoid looking for mothers everywhere; he will have to fight for independences becoming able to detach himself, and will have to learn to stabilise his flooded emotions.
The moon, the queen of emotions, that means the physical and psychic memory of the sensation life itself, which originates in the emotional and affective connection that is established by the mother, the moon is also the queen of the Cancer. It is such an emotional and affective connection that it carries the structure of each individual, that will make us able to follow this structure for gratifying and satisfactory affective relationships. But to arrive at this it is necessary for our hero wins his battles and unite inside his great sense of protection and support with the conquest of the ability of detachment, that united will lead to real affectivity.
If this does not happen our hero will become like the spider, this powerful female insect, which weaves his web with great strategy to trap the enemy which will guarantee food to himself and to his children. The spider never attacks his prey, does not enter into collusion with the enemy, but it imprisons it in his invisible threads, then immobilizes it with a powerful paralysing serum, but it does not kill it, it keeps it alive for when it needs it, because the spider feeds on living prey. In the same way the Cancer acts with those around him, weaving around him a kind of soft and enveloping silk web which at the beginning is nourishing and protects, but then it does not let go, begins to suffocate, to keep back, to paralyse.
Our Cancer hero therefore has to meet and lead his zone of darkness to this light, full of emotional and psychological possession, which is imposed strategically, without causing injury, always with extreme sweetness before making it become a sweet poison.
The Cancer represents water, which is the source of life itself, and must be able to feed itself, otherwise he will try to close all that he creates in his cloth. The journey of the Cancer must then lead him to learn to allow the gifts of life to come in a second moment, after which he must achieve, through detachment, his psychological life, otherwise he will become a kind of obstruction that hinders all the efforts that our dear friends will take to free himself and become independent.


A courageous and solitary rider wrapped in a cloak of darkness, who only the night can see running fast, is our hero of the Scorpio. A journey in the darkness is what waits for him, there is only one and dark path that goes further and further down, where the dark is thicker, and he, the black rider, must go through it all, must go down and go down, right to the bottom, because only if he will arrive at that last place, i will he be able to go up again with the bright treasure that he finds. He must reach where life becomes interwoven with death, in the place of absolute passions, of unconscious drives and finally to know that place, which he "knows" about from the birth but that he does not know.
The Scorpio, in fact, is the sign that more than any other is in intimate contact with the drives of the unconscious. It is a water sign, and since water is receptive, female, reactive, but the two planets that govern it are a Pluto and Mars, the most representative of male energy. This narrow and profound mixture of male and female indicates that in the Scorpio on the one hand one there is the nature of a shapeless, compulsive base, always in movement, which the least perturbation can shake and get to come back to the surface, where it is shown by actions, that are unpredictable, gut and irrational acts, and on the other hand there are the male energies of strength, fecundity, creativity and action, that must find an exit to express itself, but since they are immersed in such a liquid and female base, have only indirect channels at their disposal.
For this reason a Scorpio never goes first, he is a square player, the first movement is always that of the adversary, he will respond in the least predictable way.
The Scorpio is a little unfortunate sign of the Zodiac; other signs have as many regards and defects, but his has a shade of restlessness and fear, which reflects the exasperated emotional sensitiveness with which he is provided and that from childhood he has learnt to hide and to protect, in order not to succumb. The Scorpio, in fact, like it or not, feels and perceives strange, turbid, mixed atmospheres to sensations of death, of fear of not surviving and to in order to defend himself develops an absolute control over his own emotions, which he feels are dangerous because of his excessive vulnerability.
The most well-known and evident symbol of this is the scorpion, the little animal provided with a poisonous sting, able to bring death. This insect never attacks first, but if it is provoked it reacts with absolute determination and certainty, reacts, does not act. If imprisoned, and it has no possibility of escape, it prefers to be transfixed by its own sting and to kill itself rather than falling into the hands of the enemy. It is a mother able to sacrifice herself for her little ones, in fact when it no longer has any possibility of giving them food, it offers itself as a meal to save their lives.
In the same way the Scorpio of the zodiac is generally a sensitive, courageous, not violent individual, but prepared for a continuous and brave defence that can become aggressive, ready for anything, nevertheless not succumbing. And like the little animal with the same name, also our hero, before taking conscience of his power, can poison himself slowly with the same sting, cultivating strategies of revenge and destruction and brooding hate and resentments in his heart, sentenced as he is to the cruel game of defence to the bitter end instead of protecting himself, like an acid that corrodes and destroys. From these dark and blinding passions that poison the blood begins the journey of the black rider of the Scorpio who will have to learn to go lightly on resentments and gut hate that he hides inside, and will have to discover how to transform the same poison into a powerful medicine that improves his wounds and that can also make him a healer of the wounds of others.
The Scorpio more than any other sign must take conscience that nothing in the world is permanent, and that only inside it must look and can find a centre of certain and reliable stability that will allow him to live the continuous transformations that life imposes. Loss is a course that our courageous hero will easily meet on his way, which will be compared to the loss when he does not accept the transformation, when he remains obstinately attached to emotions and negative schemes of thought, when he tries to keep back through an absolute control that he cannot keep back, which in all cases will be the inexorable face of the "loss" to bring him back on a straight and narrow road.
This first part of the journey is a kind of obligatory descent to hell, symbol of a route of pain, of an experience of death and necessary transformation to heal the scars and wounds still open through understanding the unconscious dynamics behind the behaviour and compulsive and automatic reactions that are typical of the Scorpio. Our hero will go up again nakedly through the darkness into which it went down, undressed of his darkness cloak, and will abandon all his defences and mask the he has been put on, and arrived at the knowledge that he will be able to be forgiven in the end, to recover and to become a conscious master of his own power.


The sign of the Pisces leads to universality and to entirety even if often there are particular intrinsic themes to frighten it a lot because they are experienced on an individual like an identity loss. In effect the symbolism of this sign is bound to the abandonment of the defences of the I, is tied to the limits of the I, therefore not to the loss but the loss of that sense of separation that we have lived in the moment in which we were born up to the moment in which this rejoining ends. Therefore the symbolism of the Pisces implies this rejoining, which is what gives It its limits and is reintegrated by the original matrix from which it started.
This theme is also well represented by his glyph that represents these two Pisces that swim in opposite directions, one is the sense of the I lived like a symbol of individuality and of the division hardly conquered in terms of personal growth, and the other is instead the one that pushes towards the abandonment of this limit of I to reach this sense of unity again with everything. It is clear that what must not be lost is the sense of identity that is fundamental for the sign of the Pisces.
In the historical phase in which we are living that should represent the end of the era of the Pisces and the beginning of the era of Aquarius, this dominant chart seems to be highlighted by much intensity, the world is more and more leading people to break down each type of division, borders, customs, linguistic, religious, commercial barriers, everything seems not to have any sense; telecommunications therefore have reduced the distances making them seem almost nothing, breaking down concepts of distance, of extraneousness. However, this also creates a terrible sense of confusion, a profound fear of losing particular things, in which we have been recognised; territory, race, culture, language, identity and with specular movement everyone would want to cling with tenacity to his roots, to the domestic, dialectic, territorial traditions almost to defeat the sensation of eradication that they feel. This has therefore led to the desire of secession aimed at maintaining the ethnic origins that in fact cover a fear of losing the sense of one’s own identity. The world still goes inevitably towards unity way even if this has nothing to do with uniformity, unity understands itself: single individualities that are exchanged are even more profound than what we have seen in the Aquarius because here the means of the exchange is the sentiment, it is the empathy.
The mythology that is more attached to the sign of the Pisces is that of Orpheus, who was a Pisces personage, a musician, poet, a very sensitive personage, who manages to enchant whoever is listening, because his means of expression is consuming and his music is touching. Orpheus falls madly in love with Eurydice and on the day in which he achieves his dream of love, the day of his weddings, she is bitten by a snake and dies. Orpheus is shattered by the pain, wanders crying with this unspeakable suffering and someone advises him to go down and face the god of the underground to try to get his girlfriend back. Orpheus then goes down into the world of Hades and begins to implore him, and since he does not get an answer begins to play his cither in such a touching way and to recite poetry to the point that he is very moving, Hades and persefone have a change of mind that is unique in mythology. Orpheus does not manage to resign himself to his loss because does not manage to overcome the idea of having lost and of not being able to have his spouse back. H prefers to die. Hades allows to him to be able to bring back Eurydice, admonishing him not to turn while going back otherwise he will lose her for ever. Orpheus thanks him and the begins way moving, and behind him he feels Eurydice but he cannot look to see if it really is her, when she is about to reach the goal and already sees the light of the world of the living, he panics and begins to think he has been tricked and in prey to an anxiety and to a sensation of loss and almost internal disorganisation, turns his and in that moment Eurydice disappears, and this time for ever.
This chart is intrinsic to the sign of the Pisces and to its planet Neptune, which means that the sign of Pisces must find certitude internally because if it looks outside for certitude, Neptune is not a certitude. Neptune is a sense of participation and it has nothing material, or tangible, and therefore the sign of the Pisces must re-join to find its own sense of unity again because all the certitude, all the relationships, all the themes have already been interiorized and therefore there is no longer any further necessity for schemes, or certainties, of material and external things, therefore if guarantees, certainties are still looked for on the outside and if there are still doubts and restlessness it gets lost and everything evaporates, and clearly it seems to lose importance. Orpheus also represents the situation of when we run out of resources and we have to accept our loss so that we can learn more about our nature and about that part of us that relates to reason and with the ordinary facts which are life and substance on the inside. Therefore the sensation of not being alone and of not being abandoned results from a sense of spirituality in life that lets you feel part of everything as it is impressed in each of our parts. The Pisces therefore cannot rely on tactics, on cerebral strategies, everything that is a source of support and learning is elsewhere, therefore it goes beyond human will as well as what is represented by the human mind, and only when the I has no more power, that is when all the normal ways of trying to control the situations fail, then something else can appear that beforehand was considered impossible.
The Pisces make us understand that only when we lose everything that is on the outside can we find what supports us on the inside. Therefore they seem vague, insecure, often undecided as to which path to take because they are more tied to the unconscious than to reason, to what moves us on the inside that are not enterprises, there are things that regard a sense of spirituality that is the jealously contained inside each one of us and that lets know that it is there. Therefore the Pisces are also empathic, and thus able to feel everything that that moves around them and therefore they must have a big conscience, a great sense of individuality because only the ability of distinguishing what is outside compared to what is inside, what belongs to him, and what does not belong to him, and therefore of feeling emotions but of not getting involved in the emotions of others is the most important part of the sign of the Pisces. Only this will give the sign of the Pisces that ability to feel empathy and the ability of managing to support the persons who are in a bad way and who suffer in virtue of the fact that everything this one does is from the heart, for love and not for duty by everything is religiously kept at a distance from personal affairs, which means that the Pisces must have quite solid limits that define what the personal world is and what humanity in general, of their which they are part, is. Obviously the Pisces is also an extremely artistica sign because art is another tools to communicate with everything that belongs to us and with everyone that surrounds us, thus art becomes a source for channelling a series of impressions and emotions that are archetypal and universal and therefore can be understood and interpreted by everyone. It is persons of this sign who can be a catalyst for all everything that relates to the conscience and that can channelled by them as the first interpreters; they are those that more than others manage to perceive certain things that are part of our collective heritage and to bring it to an individual basis so that it can be understood.