Print article - The Sun in the Fire Signs
The Sun in the Fire Signs
By Daniela Grazioli
Published on Astrology online

Do you remember the beautiful princess or the undefended, pure, ingenuous, delicate girl like a flower that in the fables of each time and country is always imprisoned by a king, a tyrant or a father - master? Well the Aries is the rider who goes to save her. The fragile Princess is in fact his "soul" that is held down by the pressing need to act, go places, do “things“ without delay, it does not have the time to listen and express its feelings .
In reality that the strength, the aggressiveness, the boldness that easily flows in the unconsciousness is not immediately very clear, and it is this that the Aries feels to running in his/her veins, that is used for freeing anything shut up inside m. What instead is obvious is their sudden great need to act that almost always becomes an impulsiveness that does not let taking past experience into account.
And then without stopping the fiery Aries sun starts enterprises, leaves for an adventure, once again repeats the same errors, until he/she learns to come into contact with the world of thought and sentiment, with which initially there is little in contact, pressed down by the immense energy charge that must be consumed, but that once burnt, and instead of leaving light and heat changes in ash, in other words a lot of fanfare but little substance, and then he/she starts again.
The true journey of our heroic rider begins from here and it will be in learning to appease his impulses, in subjecting them to the I and in finding his "soul" again, or rather that part of him/her that is tied to feeling and listening to his inner world, which in a certain way can advise and support him/her on the inside.
During his journey it will be necessary to encounter a powerful tyrant who enslaves the delicate princess: here the enemy, an adversary whom the Aries always sees on the outside, in the world, and which it almost never recognises inside of itself, while all the anger and aggressiveness that it turns to the outside happens above all because of the fear of remaining a prisoner of their own impulses. And then let's not allow ourselves to be mistaken when an Aries complains because they are all against of him, in fact he/she is only projecting their anger on others.
For the riders who have the red heart of fire of the Aries fighting is a vital need, they are born with the ability to fight; on principle, however, such an ability is unconscious and it disperses in flashes of initiatives, rushes and acts devoid of organisation, which do not lead to anything.
Is Aries ambitious, does he/she want to lead, “to lead what?”, such a goal cannot remain a simple goal in that it is not enough, without any real substance, our hero must therefore learn to transform his aggressiveness into directed, constant and patient energy, and above all will have to integrate it with his/her female energy, his "soul" freed from the tyrant and finally recognised, that only meaning and value can help him/her reach his goals.
His journey therefore begins almost always with a fight against an external enemy, a fight that will lead him/her to discover his/her own strength, courage and loyalty, in order to reach the final goal that consists in becoming a true leader, one who is at the head, as his sun requires, ably that is to direct his/her huge energy towards the causes and the ideals that his/her heart, that by he/she is now able to listen to, will tell him/her.


Do you remember Richard the Lionheart, the king with the thick fair-haired curls and the brilliant blue eyes, the bold and courageous king rider who defeated the ferocious Saladin? Well the Leo is a little like him, a king with an intrepid and generous heart, ready to fight for the noblest and high ideals and his journey is that of the rider who fights against injustice and oppression.
In fact, the Leo is the sign of the sun and the sun cannot shine only for him/her, but it must give light, life and heat to all. The hero of Leo therefore will have to learn to share the treasure that it will find, otherwise it will be he who will be annihilated.
There is a sense of creativity that must be looked for and developed in the Leo and his/her journey is in the creation of himself7herself, which will have to lead it to completely develop its own individuality. There is always a great vision in the Leo, a great ideal and a strong superiority accompanied nevertheless by the difficulty to go down in the world of reality. The Leo is born with this sense of superiority, but is not superior; a hero is something one becomes, one is not born a hero, and thus the Leo will have to learn to abandon to the desire for recognition, and to the dazzling fascination of an image, to acquire the true power that comes from the substance of acts and from illumination, and only then argument his energy and his regal nature will be conquered in the field and will really be able to shine.
Since the sun in the sky cannot take light and energy from other planets, but lights them himself and guides them, in the same way the hero of the Leo will have to set off on his own and not areflected light, in other words, the admiration and applause of the public must not be the motive and reason of the generosity of his heart, of his creativity, of his strong and leading sense of identity, but his vain pride will have to be substituted by the certainty and trust, which come from the inside and not through external approval, his natural tendency to lead, to be a leader, will have to be transformed into authentic love towards others, only then our king of the jungle will obtain true ownership of what will allow him to become the hero he must be, an example, a model for others, who are no longer his subjects, but his equals.
This sign has three fundamental symbols, the first one is that of the true Leo, the so-called king of the jungle, recognised perhaps more for the thick mane and the appearance that not for his combatant abilities, or those of a hunter or spellbinder. Those born under the sign of the Leo share some particularities with the feline homonym, above all when it is satisfied by the recognition of his regal nature without it being so in substance. he can therefore become a king who exploits those around him, proudly convinced of being able to have everything in virtue of his bright appearance and his charisma; in this way nevertheless he will become like an empty covering that if it is not recognised by a public and therefore somehow or other gratified, will cross over into arrogance, in the presumptuousness and in the arrogance attracting to adulation only, which will follow him while his name, his prestige and his money will last.
The Leo is like the sun, it must shine naturally and generously, but the light, the heat, the energy that it emits can be dazzling and make him blind, and the same noble qualities become unbearable defects. The same light can dazzle and deceive to the point of not being able to distinguish the truth from falsehood any more, friends from enemies, those who love him and those who flatter him. The heat can burn everything that goes near to it, when his I was creating around it only desertion and desolation.
The second symbol of the Leo is the heart, the organ of the body that for mankind is always the location of feelings and emotions that, as is said, come from the heart. From the heart moreover is where the blood that is supplied to all the other organs of our body comes from, and the blood does return to the heart until after having nourished and cleaned things up. The heart is therefore a centre of great energy that it must distribute blood to the whole body, the Leonine hero must become exactly like his heart, that pumps blood to other organs without stopping, only if it will manage to use his energy, his huge potential in a disinterested way, a king, a king that he will be able to truly become based on merit and not because it is his birth right.
The third symbol of the Leo is represented by the journey of the hero, the hero who has the task of finding the treasure that will save the reign and the princess. The hero will still not be able to keep the treasure he has conquered to himself, since the power that he would derive from it would be cancelled out by this act. In fact the treasure, like the reign and the princess are properties that belong to everyone, to the whole humanity, symbols of the wealth buried in the collective unconscious to which only the best can obtain, the heroes, the only ones able to defeat and overcome the ferocious monsters who are on guard, and that is the fears, the ghosts of the past, the regressive needs, the instincts and so on.
But as soon as the enterprise is completed and in this way a wider and profound consciousness has been acquired, the hero must make everyone participate in his conquest, of his new and wider awareness, and to become so an example to be followed, a model to be emulated. The Leo is one of the most charismatic signs of the zodiac, it is the central pin of the element fire, he needs to behave in a certain way, gain recognition, leave his mark on the world, which testifies to his passage, and transforms his ephemeral presence in the world into something imperishable that goes beyond the limits of his mortal life.
Symbolically he belongs to the figures that create a bridge between humans and a superior reality, can set off the light of immortality to which all men can legitimately aspire or remain blinded by an immoderate love for himself, a terrible ego that will make his every act vain and empty.


“But true travellers like to leave …" always say we "go", and they do not know why”. In this way and with this wish at heart, the hero of the Sagittarius leaves: the goal is faraway, often not even he knows if there will be a goal, but the journey, the journey that dilates, amplifies, moves the borders of the world and of the mind, the journey there is, and this is this what is important and what our hero pursues.
The journey is the most powerful symbol of the Sagittarius, the being in movement, widening and always moving a little bit more ahead of the limits that he finds in his way is the sense of his journey.
The Sagittarius is the image of one who wants to explore what is there, be it in a psychological, philosophical, or geographical sense. In order to complete his journey the hero of Sagittarius must go over the ordinary reality which is delivered to us by 5 senses, and it does not matter whether there is anything tangible in this "over", our hero has from his part both the optimism and the courage that accompany him over known territories, or the hope and faith in the existence of something beyond being "sensitive ", that never allows him to be satisfied, but to keep on trying to go further.
This is the tension that supports him and his strength, and this tension always runs the risk of jamming and remaining entangled in the empty presumptuousness of having found the absolute truth. This is one of the clouds that can make our ingenuous and idealist hero lose his way who without being aware of it, to change into a monolithic, dogmatic and intolerant supporter of this presumed truth.
In fact, the Sagittarius is a fire sign and it expresses the qualities of this element for better or for worse: on the one hand it is generous, impulsive, optimistic, dynamic as only those who have fire inside can be, and on the other hand he can be led to believe in what enraptures him in a blind and absolutely uncritical way, transforming his desire to explore and to know things into dogmatic and gullible attitudes.
Added all these things is that the Sagittarius is the sign of explorers, philosophers, missionaries, teachers, in short everyone who has any faith or ideal that presses them to go on a constant search of things that grant and support their desire to know and to explore.
The symbol of the Sagittarius is the centaur, a being that is half man and half animal, which clearly represents the dual theme of this sign, which on the one hand feels that it has a mind that can cover everything, create future scenery, imagine possible worlds, a mind that has no limits, but that is imprisoned in a physical body that falls ill, deteriorates, perishes and is bound on a daily basis to material and ordinary reality.
To lead together, to reconcile the ideal with reality, to integrate the human / spiritual part that returns to us similar to our animal / instinctive part, that binds us to the mortal and imperfect earthly reality of the body is the great difficulty of the Sagittarius.
The myth of Chiron, the most important centaur, well illustrates the tearing dilemma between spirituality and carnality that at the end of his journey our hero will have to solve. Chiron was a wise man, a master, a healer who could heal everything, but not the painful wounds of his body, immortal like a god, he could not die, but he could not even cure his own wounds to stop suffering.