Print article - The Sun
The Sun
By Daniela Grazioli
Published on Astrology online
“Yes I know it, at times I am too impulsive, on the other hand, you know, I am an Aries … ”And so in the imagery of common sense, those of Aries are courageous and impulsive, those of the Taurus are stubborn and patients, those of the Capricorn ambitious and serious and lead in succession, to each one his vice and his virtue.
In fact things are not so, in fact to manage to realise what the position of one’s own sun in a determinate sign and sector of the zodiac suggests to us, to be taken for granted.
The Sun represents our need for self-expression, it is the symbol of the Ego and its characteristics show us the path that we must go down to become what intimately we feel we must be.
To belong to the sign of the Aries does not mean necessarily to be courageous, bold, loyal and all the other positive characteristics that commonly attributed are to it in very superficial way are , but for some who belong to this sign it means that they do not manage to assert themselves with vitality and when their own energy flow with generosity in the enterprises what they participate in, then certainly they will become individuals that are internally frustrated, to whom it will seem that have been betrayed, without even having had a way of knowing what it was about.
For each sign of the zodiac there is a goal to be reached, a destiny to be completed that cannot be evaded, suffering the gap and insignificance of their existence. At times we happens to live in periods in which everything runs smoothly, without obstacles, on the contrary even if in successful times we are accompanied by satisfaction, often we feel empty, simple gears of an unknown mechanism that is devoid of sense, and at the same time we feel like madmen, since everything around us is favourable and responds to our desires, but we are not able to enjoy it and to feel gratified. Here, probably we have betrayed, ignored, not listened to the voice of our Sun.
Vice versa, we may encounter people who have nothing that justifies the serenity and the peace that they experience and communicate, who do well, and then we look and see it is rare and break our heads to give ourselves to strength to ask us how they manage their lives in that way when for us it is so poor or painful.
We cannot see over the veil of appearance in a society that prescribes the same happiness prescription for everyone, without making any distinctions between the goals that each one of us must reach to feel complete, which are written in a rather mysterious way in the natal chart and in the DNA of each one of us.
To discover it and to pursue it is the task of our entire life, and our Sun shows us the direction, the paths we should take that are different for different people, and the choice is infinite and in this field it leads and realises our freedom, with the only veto being the uniformity imposed by society.

The sun therefore represents our need of self-expression, our trend to the carry things out independently which involves the discovery of who we really are, a world of suggestions and social and cultural conditionings. Such a discovery and carrying out a journey that involves doubts, errors, defeats and victories, whose final goal, that is the total and complete manifestation and carrying out of our potential remains a faraway target; it is like the path undertaken by the scientist as he explores the secrets of nature, which always advances, but it never reaches the total discovery and comprehension of each secret of nature.
And then our true goal, that is feasible in practical terms, is in returning more and more clearly and freely from each point, the final point towards which we must aim in order to gratify ourselves, the point that the position of our sun indicates to us, and above all keeps alive and constantly alight; the tension, the desire, the will to go towards that point, without allowing ourselves to be distracted by false goals; the same way of a scientist who during his research finds more information and moves his hypotheses more and more as he approaches the final goal.

The example that better illustrates this path that our "I" it must complete to realise its own sun, is the Journey of the Hero. Numerous myths are centred on this figure, the Hero, that to certain point of his life must leave each thing and go on a journey looking for the treasure or defeating a monster, in any case to do something absolutely essential and vital. This journey that will be full of dangers and obstacles, symbolises the process of individualization, the discovery and the affirmation of one’s own individuality, which to find itself necessarily has to take and to cut the connections that in unconscious way hold back in the environment.
The hero is always a son of a divine parent and of an earthly parent, such a dual relationship with nature is a symbol on the one hand of the "divine", eternal part, which shines in each one of us, and on the other hand our mortal part. In the myths the divine parent appears only when the hero starts his journey and in the critical situations of danger that the hero will meet on his way, to help or save him; such a descent is the "divine" spark that shines inside of us, it represents the inner voice that at a certain point in life presses us to share our search and brings back us on the right path when we get lost. The great existential crises that all we must face at certain ages and periods of life are the psychological expression of such a process, a crisis in a certain sense of identity that has little or nothing have to do with external events; such critical periods are marked from an astrological point of view with the transits on our sun.
The mortal parent is instead present in the first part of the life of a hero, and is almost always negative, it creates obstacles and difficulty for the departure of the hero which demonstrates that to come off and to stand out the uniformity of the community to assert one’s own individuality is not easy. In fact, the hero who finds the treasure and defeats the dragon becomes the example of how it is possible to find and to realise what we intimately feel ourselves "called upon" to be, and this frightens and puts in danger the constituted power that is often based on the collective and passive acceptance of rules and conventions that a quite definite individuality does not guarantee.
When the hero finds the treasure his journey is not still completed, because the treasure that the hero conquers does not belong only to him, but to everyone, the precious secret of the difficult route of the search must be revealed and the attained "knowledge" must be shared, so that each man is pressed to look for his own path and thus contributes to the evolution of and for the benefit of humanity.