Print article - Mars: the God of the war
Mars: the God of the war
By Daniela Grazioli
Published on Astrology online
Mars the god of the war, the bold heedless warrior of danger, so beautifully virile with his shiny and wriggling muscles ready for combat, in short Russel Crowe in the "Gladiator". Well, the myth of such a warlike god says what is generated by Era alone, for parthenogenesis; in substance in the veins of Mars, which in a certain sense is almost the prototype of the "male", there would not be even a drop of real "masculinity".
In our imagery, Mars is still certainly the most virile of the gods because his characteristics only seem to be of a "male kind": Mars is physically strong, muscular, energetic, quick, fast, courageous, combative and so on; the martial arts that take their name from him are not at all things fit for shy and delicate girls. In short, this birth that happened by parthenogenesis from a clearly female goddess has something suspicion about it, it alludes to something mysterious and indecipherable.

And in fact there is something strange about this divine warrior who moves only on the wave of emotions and instinct, that is so deeply "uterine" in his reactions, that they are not filtered by reason, but by purely instinctive manifestations, in this sense Mars is "female", because more than "acting" he "reacts" to events, which is typically female behaviour. A true son of his mother who did not do anything other than "react" in different ways, but always with anger, to the unfaithfulness of Zeus. Our Mars will have to learn to pass from the simple emotional and instinctive reactivity to events, to action, to the initiative that starts from the conscience of I: this is the difficult passage that the Mars of each one of us must face.
Mars is a principle of strength and conquest and it regards either defence, or the affirmation of the Ego. it is the planet that faces and conquers the world, which leads the Ego to the outside. It becomes a conscious action, pure aggressiveness or anger and powerless passivity depends on whether we will manage to become conscious masters of our strength, and not unconscious slaves.
Initially, as the myth shows us, Mars is especially instinctive, he does not stop to think, quickly it is released, the wait, the postponement, they are not part of his nature, he reacts each time he feels threatened or he impulsively launches himself when he wants something. It will be through coming to terms with the outside world that he will be able to discover his true strength.

it is therefore possible to understand how much the first meetings / disagreements are important between the affirmation our will and the will the outside world expresses. In fact, on the one hand other people recognise our strength, upon reflection it makes us conscious, and on the other hand the limits that the outside world imposes on our need for affirmation, while they bind us, show how much is up to us. If no space for us is recognised by an environment or it is too invasive and has little respect for the limits of the space that is ours, our suffocated and inhibited Mars will not be able to enter into contact with its I, which as a result will not be able to acquire consciousness of what and what kind of strength it has to give and to invest in its own goals and wishes.
Mars represents an energy very much tied to the instinctive sphere and however much it becomes evolved, it could be exalted and be channeled towards goals that are more sophisticated and faceted compared to the simple instinctive needs, which always remain tied to the vital instinct.
In this sense it is contact with the strength and vital energy that disappears when Mars does not work, because instead of defending and supporting his vital need for affirmation and conquest, it is possible for him to lose and to exhaust his strength in a thousand useless directions, or to be frustrated, to succumb, or to become destructively explosive, or even, in the worst cases, to turn upon himself and become self-destructive.

Mars is the last of the personal planets, before him near to the sun are Mercury and Venus, which means that a will of conscious and consistent action with the needs and the goals of one’s own sun is only possible when the I has learnt through Mercury to discriminate and to organise perceptions, and through Venus to choose the "things" and the experiences that make it grow and live well. It is clear that if the two functions represented by Mercury and Venus do not appropriately carry out their tasks, the actions of Mars will lack solid bases and it will easily be insufficient and confused.