Print article - Uranus
By Daniela Grazioli
Published on Astrology online
On April 26 1781 Uranus officially entered in the universe, and its discovery is attributed to William Herschel, a musician with astronomy as a hobby . Two observations on the way and on the times in which Uranus presented itself to our knowledge: the really eccentric way tells us suddenly something about the anti-conformist nature of this planet, in fact that it should be a musician to identify Uranus in the little trembling light in the chart that previously a true astronomer, that is an expert of the profession, had sighted several times, is really unusual and unexpected, just as the Uranus presence in our life is unexpected and unusual..

In Greek mythology, moreover, Uranus is the lord of the starry sky who loves perfect shapes which only the mind can imagine or plan, ideas and ideals, that become activated and work, that give origin to products that are never completely aware of the idea from which they come, but that are only ugly copies of these ideas, contaminated and corrupted by the imperfection of matter, and only in art, or better still in the masterpieces of art, an idea finds its perfect shape, the matter therefore adheres and gives life to the idea from which the work originates.

Here, Uranus, who buried his children so he could not see them, because they were ugly and deformed, who could choose he choose to be the “earthly father” to make his entry into the world, if not someone that being a musician was knows and amasses harmony? Besides, music is the most impalpable and ethereal of arts, it is done from air, from vibrations that spread in the air, and Uranus, lord of the sky, is an air planet.

As far as regards the historical period of his discovery, it is sufficient to remember that those years witnesses three revolutions, the French, American and industrial revolutions, three revolutions that in one go broke down principles and realities that until then were believed to be eternal and absolute and that changed the face of the world. In short from its appearance in the universe of our knowledge, Uranus has told us very much about itself, it has illuminated us, like lightning breaking through the darkness, and in a flash they reveal everything to us, if we are quite swift to be able to pick it up.

In astrology, Uranus together with Neptune and Pluto is the group of the trans-Saturn planets, the planets that come after Saturn and are outside of the borders which Saturn has erected around itself. Uranus is in the middle, between Saturn, the guardian of the threshold, on the one hand and Neptune and Pluto on the other hand; it is the link between the world of conscience contained in Saturn’s boundaries walls and the world of the unconscious, individual and collective, and one of the tasks of Uranus is that of leading the contents of the unconscious to the conscience that it turns out to be so amplified. In other words the more the conscience of I expands and adds contents that were unconscious beforehand, the more it brings the I closer to the If, acquires that is consciousness of its own nature, of what it potentially is and therefore might become, if it was becoming free from the chained and often misled conditionings for that adaptation to the environment that is required of it. Uranus has the task of waking the individual up to himself, of pressing him/her to realise his7herown authenticity and therefore to get rid of the ties, the masks, the roles and the superstructures that do not correspond to such an authenticity, has the task of doing so to shape of the life of an individual, the matter, the experiences with which he builds his own life, they return and realise the best possible model of ideal potential that belongs to him, instead of corrupting or deforming it.

In any way we take experience from Uranus, either through a sudden and liberating change of a sector of our life, or through a sense of constant choking, intolerance, irritation for the conditions in which we are, that inevitably will press us to change, in any case behind them there is always Uranus that presses us to get rid of everything that hinders the process of our authentic individualization. Uranus therefore, must find a way of making entering into the conscience the unconscious contents that he is picking up, in other words must manage to co-operate with Saturn, because so that it will lowers the lifting bridge and opens the main door of the fortress of the Ego. Our natal chart will tell us whether there will be a continuous war between Uranus and Saturn or if an alliance and a collaboration will be possible, in fact a too rigid Saturn, which is decided to maintain the status quo at all costs, will lead to sudden and catastrophic changes that they will leave the I deprived of any point of reference; in substance Uranus in his liberating fury will end up by breaking down also all the good and useful things Saturn has contributed. Vice versa a chart with an excessive emphasis on Uranus, will not leave space to Saturn to build a reliable, stable and continuous sense of the I, which will always be projected towards change. In short, Saturn and Uranus they must absolutely find a way to co-operate, on pain of suffering the fossilization of the I that, impervious to each change, remains suffocated and imprisoned in its fortress. In the other case, instead, an excessive fluidity and propensity to change will not allow the construction of a balanced sense of identity of the I.

In mythology Saturn and Uranus are implacable enemies, in fact Saturn is the son who ousts the father - Uranus, and it avenges itself, its mother-Gea, and its brothers whom Uranus had confined and hidden in the Gea belly because of their deformity. Saturn speeded up by the mother, evira with an Uranus sickle, drops blood falling from the wound onto the land, which gives birth to Erinyes, to the Furie, while the cut member falls into the sea and his foam, so fertilised, gives birth to Venus, the goddess of beauty, of love and harmony, the only daughter who Uranus could look at with pleasure and without disgust. The fight between Saturn and Uranus therefore, they lead to the birth of vengeful Furie or to a Venus. The Erinyes are three black old ladies who have snakes instead of hair and their eyes filter a poisonous dribble; they are called Aletto, the Unceasing one, Tirifone, the revenge, and Meger, the envious anger, who live under the land and like rabid bitches they come out each time that we block, suffocate, ignore the changes necessary to our individualization, and therefore cry their internal fury inside of us through powerful sentiments of rage and anger against what we think is blocking us or is against us, which may also lead to real diseases. We also meet them outside of us, when we ignore everything, we only listen to Uranus and subvert the order of our life, often without any respect for those around us, that therefore are transformed into the Furie. However, Venus can still be born from this struggle, the goddess of the love and harmony, the only creature made by Uranus in which the ideal is not corrupted by the matter, in Venus as in the art, there is the settlement, the payment between the idea and matter, between the infinite potential of an idea and the necessary limitation of the matter, then perhaps it is alone through a harmonious and respectful exchanges on the Venus path so that it is possible to obtain a balanced collaboration between Saturn and Uranus.