Exorcising Pluto

Pluto – like Neptune – deeply influences our psyche, in fact even more profoundly: in a systematic way, bringing with it violent inner shake-ups, very often inhibiting us and/or blocking us (our choices, decisions, relationships with others, and so on). What happens when it passes through our first house, and above all: how will it be possible to exorcize such a position? Pluto very often carries inner torment with moments of self-damaging behaviour that is sometimes close to masochism … ok, that’s bad, but in any case our advice is to unload it and any anxieties you have by carrying out a lot of physical activity: from going to the gym to sex (yes, including the most "forbidden" erotic thoughts which have perhaps been repressed for too long!). The more time you spend doing physical exercise, even getting very tired, the less your mind will toil: run, jump, carry heavy things, spend plenty of time outdoors; the bottom line is that you must unload any tension as much as possible. Don’t close yourself indoors in a dark room in a figurative or psychological way. Alternatively, some pharmacological and/or homoeopathic remedies and/or Bach flowers can help you by bringing a bit of a peace and light within you.

With Pluto transiting your second house money can be very lacking but also a lot may come in one way or another although the radical change that will happen financially, with this Pluto passage, will produce strong inner "shaking". What can you do? The advice is to exorcize this passage “running into debt” perhaps by buying a particularly expensive house which, for example, will force you to ask for a big mortgage that will keep you busy for several years. Or else, if it’s about your profession - perhaps because you want to invest in a new business to expand or purchase new machinery - also in this case, “the excuse” for a request for a mortgage for such purchases, is always valid; being proactive you will go along with Pluto’s demand for an outgoing of money, which however will later bring advantages and/or new positive opportunities. Woe to you instead, if you decide to try your luck on games of fortune betting reasonably large or conspicuous sums of money! It would be the worst way to negatively provoke Pluto! Ye be warned …

Pluto is passing through your third house which represents brothers and sisters, studies and/or small movements. Here the star might be particularly insidious in "undermining" the foundations of the relationships between you and your siblings because in fact these relatives, in this period in which Pluto is positioned in this way, might, for example, become victims of a deep depression or, but only in extreme cases, to get involved in episodes to do with dishonest people and/or situations close to being illegal. How can you activate yourself to "unload" this Pluto symbol? There is only one way, perhaps obvious but it works: frequent your relatives more often being as watchful as possible to capture possible uneasiness and/or indispositions and if you notice that something serious is happening (in the directions mentioned above), help them as much as possible and support them to avoid the worst. Since the third house is also the car, the train, the coach, the scooter and so on, try to avoid or cut down using them. Also because with this passage, Pluto might increase a possible attitude of “scorn” in relation to danger while driving; use them as little as possible and force yourself to go “there and back” on foot, you will "satisfy" the planet which will not ask you for any more if in exchange you give it many mishaps and relative suffering, in respect of daily movements, “caused” above all by your decision not to drive your car.

The IV house certainly represents your home but also possible inheritances connected to it and, obviously, our parents. When Pluto transits this sector of the natal chart it makes worries tied to the home arise and also in this case (as in other cases always related to this sector of the natal chart) our advice to wisely "unload" the symbol of this planet which might be, if it is possible for you to do it, by asking for a big loan in the form of a mortgage (outgoing money) and/or obtaining part of the liquidation you are owed, in order to buy a significant property. If instead you are involved in legal proceedings regarding property (inheritance and/or donation, perhaps even to be divided with other subjects!) commit yourself as much as possible, with meticulous attention to detail you have never before applied, to totally eviscerate all questions and to try to fix them completely, in clearly and with written agreements. Avoid those "plutonian" traces of things said only verbally, and perhaps, not even in the presence of a solicitor! As far as your parents are concerned stay close to them. Go to see them even when they don’t ask you to, and be more attentive than you usually are. In this way - or rather by "anticipating" possible needs of increasing the time spent with your parents, which Pluto may in fact lead you to do anyway – you will be able to pick up on any uneasiness they feel (especially your father) and take action to fix them.

Here is Mr. Pluto in person, transiting the fifth house, which represents love and flirtations, entertainments, children, betting and so on. What can we expect from this passage? Not necessarily negative things. Let’s say that any anxieties and/or worries you have in relation to your children (the people they frequent, the company they keep, their performance at school and so on) may increase significantly; how can we "exorcize" Pluto and thus get rid of any "ghosts"? By devoting yourself much more than you usually do to your children: try to exert a kind of “moderate control” over them, taking them perhaps to the cinema once a week, picking them up from the sports centre if they do sports, going to speak more often with their teachers to constantly monitor their academic performance; in short, increase your level of assiduousness towards them and you will see that Pluto will conclude his transit “sparing you”. If instead your concerns are, for example, not being able to have a child, you might strive together with your partner to try again, which might be an excellent way to unload the symbol of the lord of Scorpio. Other concerns you may have, however, also regard possible gaming prizes you can’t manage to win … exactly! Forget about them! In the sense that with this Pluto position the worst way to "antagonise" the planet against you is by gambling; instead, a way of “unloading it” brilliantly is by completely refraining from any types of betting and gambling and in any case all activities that involve engaging sums of money.

Pluto is a planet that always carries a little bit of shade; a little darkness around us. How should we behave when it crosses our sixth house-health-work-daily life? First of all, even if it’s not at all required, force yourself as much as possible to become hygienists and health orientated because with Pluto transiting the sixth house you might be tempted to neglect yourselves a little or "go too far", for example in terms of food and vices (alcohol, smoking, and so on): that’s wrong! Never so much as in this case must you "get ahead" and start in time to brain-wash yourself into thinking that the only way to be really healthy is to "look after" yourself, for example by eating healthy things, really taking care of yourself with massages, mud treatment, frequenting well-being centres, gyms and so on. It is, however, probable nevertheless that Pluto will try to "get to you" also at work, and in this case pay a lot of attention to the people around you (especially work colleagues) because if you don’t keep up your guard – a good way to anticipate and at the same time get rid of Pluto’s actions! – and be very vigilant, you will run the serious risk of choosing collaborators who are "turbid", not very honest, a bit murky, in short "plutonian" subjects. The alternative might be that of directly and spontaneously accepting a burdensome task that asks you for total dedication and extra work.

The VII house represents our relationship with “others” where “others” means our spouse (or partner), our business partner, and companions who we may meet casually, and so on; when Pluto passes in our VII house our attention is therefore focused on the management – which as far as we are concerned must be as perspicacious as possible of our relationships with the outside world. Pluto, it is known, is not an "easy" or “light” planet and it might carry certain “shades“; a few worries, and “darkness” in our relationships with others. How can we exorcize it? For example, if you have always been convinced that a single life is best, you should force yourself to find convincing reasons to take the "great step" and perhaps accept living with someone who for years you have had a relationship with. If instead you are single you could "let yourself go" and finally accept the idea of an engaged sentimental relationship. Instead, for those of you who already have a partner we would like to remind you that a good way to "unload" the Pluto symbol in this house is by NEVER EVER taking anything for granted in your relationship and of taking care of it day by day with assiduousness, staying close to your partner and treating your relationship with affection (we repeat, if a relationship already exists). However, the VII house also means legal problems and proceedings: what better way, before Pluto is activated on its own, to “get ahead” by taking legal proceedings against someone (with whom you have a legal dispute, of course!) with legal proceedings which perhaps last for years and years?

Pluto in eighth house, so to say, is at home (the eighth house is in analogy with the sign of Scorpio ruled by Pluto), so let’s say that in this sector of the horoscope Pluto develops, expands, and sometimes "exasperates" the meanings of the eighth house (death and rebirth, inheritance and bequests, mourning, compulsive sex and so on). Let’s say that there are different ways to unload the symbol of this planet when it passes through our eighth house. With reference to the question of mourning and death it may be that the planet in question brings you obsessive ideas in this regard, uncontrolled fear of dying or a serious state of prostration following bereavement. In this case the best thing to do is to help yourselves by taking medicine that is particularly recommended for the purpose of alleviating these symptoms (there is no need to involve your astrologer for this kind of advice) although it would also be a good thing, considering such a "difficult" passage for you to “get ahead”, by deciding to mainly frequent cheerful and lively people, to go to the cinema to see easy-going films, to read pleasant novels and/or humorous books; all of this to “counterbalance“ the significance of Pluto - heaviness in the eighth house, as described above. If instead Pluto speaks to you about financial questions always be careful about possible financial losses and be careful with spending. Lastly, if you are involved in an inheritance to be split with others and this will involve disputes and/or various issues, this "snag" would in fact also not be a bad way to exorcize this Pluto transit.

The ninth house usually symbolises faraway things in all their aspects (trips abroad, moving abroad and/or far from home, studying philosophy and/or religion, mysticism, and so on). Pluto transiting your ninth house could probably “oblige you” to make undesirable moves, which may even be something you dread. Therefore, the best way to "unload" its symbol is by “activating yourself” spontaneously, anticipating the planet and deciding, clearly only if it is possible for you to do so, to ask for a work transfer and to bring all your possessions abroad or, in any case, far from your home for a long time. If you have a family this would imply a huge organizational effort to take such an important and radical step and would please Pluto even more because in this way you would go along with it and thus it would leave you alone. If instead the planet wishes to act (we cannot know what Pluto has in mind for you!) concerning an attraction for everything that regards transcended, mystic or philosophical issues, you will have to face a task which is much easier than moving everything far away and involve yourself in reading literature that concerns the themes and issues stated above.

The X house represents our career, our ability to emancipate ourselves and our mother. With Pluto transiting our tenth house the best attitude to adopt is making an effort, far more than usual, to obtain much better results and/or “steps forward” at work. This applies to employees as much as self-employed professionals. Ambition has to be the springboard that will make you act in this direction. Let us give some examples: if you have been working for years but never attained a high school diploma, even if it’s only a piece of paper that doesn’t make any difference to your profession, get going and study hard, and if you are doing this at forty or fifty years of age it is in fact a good sacrifice that Pluto will like very much. Or if you have a job with particular responsibility and tend to "delegate" quite a lot to others, try to take on more responsibility and work that you would otherwise delegate to others, sacrificing a lot of your leisure time and abandoning a hobby and several evenings of relaxation. This is also a sacrifice that Pluto will appreciate (and then he will not ask you for others based on its own initiative).

This is one of the few positions of Pluto that do not seem to be particularly harmful, except for possible issues related to mourning, but nothing will ever be able to avoid this and they cannot be exorcised and/or unloaded in any way. Well then, Pluto in the house of friendship, the eleventh sector of your natal chart … what will it bring you? It might lead to being approached by strangers and/or new friends that are a bit “dodgy”, people who really want something else from you. Therefore, to unload this symbol, since Pluto demands clarity and does not forgive the “half measures” (because it is a very drastic planet), activate yourself immediately with very clear objectives, for example, with a powerful friend and/or person who respects you, and ask them without reservation for his/her support and/or the assistance that you need to carry out an important project you have been thinking about for a long time. Do this with a kind of “strategy” or scheme that you have studied carefully, and make your search for influential help a daily commitment. In this way you will be very much concentrated on your matters and you will formulate goals and quite clear intentions firstly to yourself and then to others, "automatically" avoiding Pluto confusing you to make you a “victim“ of its confusions, ambiguous and chaotic situations that the ruler of Scorpio usually carries with him.

The shady one, Pluto, dark Pluto is transiting your twelfth house, a sector of the natal chart already in itself a bit "dark". In fact it’s the house that for each one of us represents the difficulties we have to face in life, the most difficult circumstances we have to overcome, the house of our inner "ghosts", our fears and our phobias. In practical terms Pluto in this sector just greatly increases everything we listed above and generally not in a positive sense (unless you have a spectacular twelfth house from birth). How can we exorcize the passage of the ruler of Scorpio in the sector of trials in an intelligent and effective way? First of all, since you have the possibility of knowing its transits with a certain amount of warning, carefully avoid books, films and/or persons that relate to anything to do with mediums and/or mediumships, spiritual sessions, esotericism, or worse magic and witchcraft and so on. Then, make it become a healthy habit; as soon as you have a little bit of free time, pass it close to water (even a lake will work) in such way as to "unload" any stagnant Pluto energies to do with the water of the twelfth house (don’t forget that the twelfth house corresponds to the twelfth zodiac sign, in other words Pisces, which is a water sign). Alternatively, make a lot of effort, truly as much as you can, to direct your actions and your efforts towards numerous types of voluntary services. The lord of Scorpio in the house of suffering will appreciate your efforts and will not inflict further suffering on you. A further remedy that is good for "exorcizing" the symbol of Pluto and overcoming its effects “without getting hurt“, may be by resorting to natural therapeutic remedies, which are always related to the issue twelfth-health house but only if they are carried on constantly and for a long time (like the passage of Pluto, which lasts a long time) and they will have their positive effect (aroma-therapy, Bach flowers, crystal- therapy, reiki, and so on).

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