The meaning of the angular aspects between the planets in an SR

How important are the angular aspects in a SR?
Preamble: remember that we have repeated in other points of this section dedicated to Solar returns that an SR chart must not and cannot be interpreted as a birth chart, but if anything it must be interpreted together with it in order to better take advantage of opportunities (for example of moving for your birthday if necessary) and in order to formulate forecasts that are as precise as possible.

The basic rules which Ciro Discepolo established regarding the angular aspects in a SR chart are very simple: he declares that such aspects are absolutely insignificant compared to the much more fundamental importance of the placement of planets – of all the planets – in the houses of a SR chart (or RSR).

A practical example: if in an SR chart Mars falls in the twelfth, sixth or first house (remember the three famous "dangerous" houses mentioned elsewhere in this section?), even if supported by many sextiles and trines, it would always and in any case behave like a badly injured, and thus harmful, Mars; a Mars that would bring us woes and troubles all round. The same thing applies to the Sun and Saturn (even if the latter to a clearly minor extent) in the three previously mentioned houses.
If anything the distinguished scholar once more refers us to the fact that a stellium (accumulation) of planets in the twelfth house, even if it involves good planets like the Sun, Jupiter and Venus, is as difficult and harmful as the same stellium in the sixth or first house of an SR chart.

Therefore, trines and sextiles rather than squares and oppositions in a SR chart (or RSR), according to Discepolo, are so irrelevant that he attributes 1 point to each angular aspect compared to the 100 points as the indicative value of maximum importance in the evaluation of the position of one or more planets in the houses of the SR chart.

Therefore, in the analysis of any SR chart, focus and concentrate your attention as much as possible on the position of the planets in the houses of your SR chart and take into minor consideration, or not at all, the angular aspects. If anything it is a good thing to bear in mind that the planets, especially when they are close to the cusp of the Ascendant and of Midheaven of the SR, acquire greater importance, and become dominant.

Now let’s continue together this enchanting and evocative journey into the New Frontier of Astrology, discovering which and how many elements that allow us to date events within a year described by a given SR chart (or RSR).

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